ANP publica pré edital do 16º leilão de petróleo e gás
A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) publicou o pré edital e a minuta de contrato da 16ª Rodada de Licitações de Blocos Exploratórios, que deverá ocorrer no dia 10 de outubro. De acordo com a ANP, os documentos ficarão em consulta pública até o dia 9 ...
Ministro de Minas e Energia defende melhoria da governança no setor
Baratear os custos da energia por meio do aperfeiçoamento da governança está entre as prioridades do Ministério de Minas e Energia, afirmou hoje (26) o ministro Bento Albuquerque. Segundo o ministro a medida é fundamental para garantir melhor estabilidade jurídica e regulatória. “Ninguém vai investir aqui se não tiver garantia ...
The Rio Times to Continue and Expand Under New Ownership of Matthias Camenzind
By Jack Arnhold, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The announcement on Thursday, March 21st, that The Rio Times would close down has prompted Swiss businessman Matthias Camenzind to make an offer to take over the paper, which has now been accepted by current owner Stone Korshak. Camenzind is ...
Brasile USA
U.S. Meat Inspection Visit May Signal End of Export Ban
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expected to send a team to Brazil in June to conduct a sanitary inspection of Brazil’s beef and pork meatpackers. The inspection could lift the North American country’s restriction on fresh bovine ...
US toughens policy against foreign NGOs that perform abortions
The US will refuse to provide assistance to the NGOs, Secretary of State says.
Judiciary wins back land grabbed by magistrate
Justice Boaz Olao ruled that the 2-acre piece of land next to the Kisumu Law Court valued at over Sh500 million was irregularly acquired
Fundación Pérez Scremini y Macro Mercado cerraron su campaña de recaudación de fondos
La suma recaudada posibilitará la compra de una incubadora de dióxido de carbono y un microscopio de fluorescencia.
Lubricantes ANCAP y lubricantes CHEVRON-TEXACO lanzaron su promoción en Expo Activa 2019
Este plan promocional de ventas regirá hasta el 31 de mayo o hasta agotar stock.
2019 MTEF: Key Mdas Shun Reps Hearing
LEADERSHIP: Deliberations on the 2019–2021 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Papers (FSP) before the House of Representatives was stalled as key Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) were absent at the hearing. In view of this, the House joint committee on Finance, Aides, Loans and Debts, and Appropriations, ...
USA Giappone Nigeria
Japan Provides $2m To WFP To Strengthen Resilience Among Conflict-Affected Nigerians
LEADERSHIP: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of US$2 million from the Government of Japan to provide life-changing support to people and communities affected by insecurity in northeastern Nigeria. WFP Representative in Nigeria, Myrta Kaulard,”said this funding from the Government of Japan is most welcome ...