Receitas fiscais sobem em 2018 na UE e zona euro, Portugal abaixo da média
As receitas fiscais em aumentaram, em 2018, para os 41,7% do PIB na zona euro e os 40,3% na União Europeia (UE), com Portugal abaixo da média com 37,2%, segundo o Eurostat.
Michael Cohen’s Ex-Partner Gets Probation After Turning on Him
Evgeny A. Freidman, once known as New York’s Taxi King, cooperated in the federal investigation of Mr. Cohen.
Brasile USA
Brazil’s Electricity Cost Could Hit Record R$20.6 Billion in 2020
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian consumers may have to pay the record figure of R$20.64 billion (US$5.16 billion) in energy bills in 2020 to pay for shares and subsidies granted by the government to the electricity sector, such as incentives for the use of wind and solar energy. The ...
Disabled Users’ Accessibility to Websites in Brazil Is Less Than One Percent
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A survey conducted by the Movimento Web para Todos ("Web for All Movement"), in partnership with BigData Corp, showed that of the 14 million active websites in Brazil, less than one percent passed the accessibility tests for the handicapped. When it comes to websites of ...
Brazil’s Defense Minister Reviews Operations in Amazon and Northeast Coast
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Minister of Defense, Fernando Azevedo e Silva, assessed yesterday, October 29th, the performance of the Armed Forces in the Amazon in an operation to guarantee law and order (GLO), which was named Verde Brasil ("Green Brazil"). According to the . . . To read ...
Brasile USA
Brazil’s Federal Public Debt Closes September at R$4.156 Trillion
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Federal Public Debt (DPF), one of the solvency indicators of the Brazilian economy, closed September at R$4.156 trillion (US$1.039 trillion). The figure is two percent higher than in August (R$4.074 trillion). Last month, the Domestic Public Securities Debt, that in circulation in the domestic ...
Startup “Insurtechs” in Brazil Bypass Brokers, Lessen Car Insurance Costs
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - One of the insurtechs - a term that combines the English words "insurance" and "technology" - is Onsurance, which offers prepaid auto insurance. Just as with a cell phone, the user places credits into their account and costs are deducted as the car is used. ...
Usa, Pil terzo trimestre +1,9%. Crescita sopra le attese
La crescita è stata sostenuta dai consumi, che rappresentano il 70% dell'economia e hanno dimostrato una resistenza superiore alle attese a paure di indebolimento: sono aumentati del 2,9% battendo il 2,6% ipotizzato in media dagli analisti
I cento marchi della memoria
Tra il 2018 e il 2019 Tommaso Bonaventura ha chiesto a degli ex abitanti della Repubblica Democratica Tedesca come spesero il denaro ricevuto al loro ingresso nella Germania Ovest. Leggi
Usa, Pil terzo trimestre confermato in crescita dell'1,9%
L'economia americana si conferma in rallentamento nel 3° trimestre del 2018. Il PIL statunitense è stato confermato in crescita dell'1,9%, come nella prima lettura. Il dato,...