USA Kenya
US trade secretary set for Kenya visit
US investors are keen on exploring opportunities around the Government's 'Big Four'.
Foreign tech investors put Kenya back on top
Africa's first software testing centre opened its doors in Nairobi. And while it generated little fanfare, it was a major achievement for Kenya's ICT
Dahabshiil lauds new UAE law on investments
The new laws will give investors free choice anywhere within the UAE.
Resultado do PIB deixa o Brasil na lanterna do crescimento global
Därför skulle krisen slå ut den svenska livsmedelsproduktionen
Ny rapport: Sveriges bönder är beroende av import
Al-Makura Warns Against Fertilizer Hoarding
LEADERSHIP Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa State, has warned middlemen against hoarding of fertilizers products in the state. Al-Makura gave the warning in Kwandere, a suburb of Lafia, the state capital, during the official flag off of the sales of fertilizer for 2018 farming season. The governor, disclosed that state ...
Walmart Says It Will Pay for Its Workers to Earn College Degrees
The giant retailer will begin to subsidize tuition for its 1.4 million employees in the United States to study either business or supply chain management. The workers would pay $1 a day.
Petrobras Delivers Further Blow to Brazil Economy with 72-Hour Strike
By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Just as supplies and fuel were starting to trickle down to supermarkets and gas stations, after more than a week of protests from truck drivers in Brazil, the country woke up on Wednesday to a 72-hour strike, this time ...
Dólar trepó a G.5.740 pese a intervenciones del BCP
A pesar de que el Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP) pone desde el viernes pasado en oferta unos USD 12 millones diarios al mercado financiero local, la demanda de la divisa norteamericana es tal que, ayer nuevamente volvió a dispararse en su precio frente al guaraní.
Belgrado: 50 aziende italiane per investimenti
Per conoscere le opportunità di lavoro e investimento e avviare progetti con aziende serbe e montenegrine, oltre che per approfondire le collaborazioni già esistenti, sono sbarcate a Belgrado 50 aziende italiane, attive nel settore delle infrastrutture, che hanno partecipato all’incontro organizzato...