Turkish foreign minister to visit Germany for Solingen arson attack commemoration
Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu is set to attend a commemoration ceremony on May 29 marking the 25th anniversary of a 1993 racist arson attack in Germany’s Solingen city.
Local Manufacturers Criticize Suppliers' Credit Facility Amendment
[Reporter] The amendment made last year on the External Loans and Suppliers' Credit Directive of the National Bank of Ethiopia has been criticized by local manufacturers for its effect of marginalizing local firms from accessing foreign currency and suppliers' credit facilities. materials as long as they are exclusively export oriented; ...
Economía.- El Congreso debate mañana la ley de Unidos Podemos para ampliar y mejorar la protección por desempleo
Quieren extenderla a trabajadoras del hogar, elevar la cuantía y que los jóvenes puedan cobrar el paro con 180 días cotizados y no 360 MADRID, 28 (EUROPA PRESS)
Economía.- (AMP 2) Telepizza aprueba un plan de incentivos con la entrega de acciones valoradas en más de 20 millones
La junta de accionistas dará 'luz verde' a la alianza con Pizza Hut, que tendrá una opción de compra de la propiedad de la marca por 10 millones MADRID, 28 (EUROPA PRESS)
Vietnam Myanmar
Vietnam's Viettel, partners to launch Myanmar's first 4G network
HANOI: Vietnam's military-run telecommunication company Viettel Group and its partners will launch the first 4G mobile network in Myanmar next month to cash in on the Southeast Asian country's fast-growing economy, the Vietnamese government said on Monday.
Dollar tops ¥109.40 in late Tokyo trading
The dollar was slightly stronger above ¥109.40 in Tokyo trading late Monday amid a dearth of major trading incentives.At 5 p.m., the dollar stood at ...
Cina Taiwan
JAL and ANA request extensions for China’s order to submit to Taiwan directive
Most of the foreign airlines that agreed to tweak references to Taiwan to reflect the island as part of mainland China have been given more ...
Brasile, Governo si accorda con autotrasportatori. Stop allo sciopero
(Teleborsa) - Il Brasile torna alla normalità dopo sette giorni di sciopero dei trasportatori che ha messo in ginocchio l'economia nazionale.Il Governo concederà ai lavoratori del settore 60 giorni...
Japan’s elderly care bill soaks up worker pay rises
Higher social insurance costs mean PM Abe has done little to lift living standards or inflation
Cina USA
US presses China to sign long-term import contracts
Potential deals on energy and agricultural products could hit EU and other US allies