Captação de investimento e diálogo social no arranque das jornadas do CDS em Setúbal
Os deputados do CDS-PP iniciam hoje jornadas parlamentares no distrito de Setúbal, discutindo a competitividade, captação de investimento e diálogo social num dia em que juntam o secretário-geral da UGT e o presidente da Associação Empresarial de Portugal.
Germania, rallentano i prezzi import in dicembre
(Teleborsa) - Crescono i prezzi import in Germania. Nel mese di dicembre si è registrato un incremento dei prezzi import dello 0,3% su base mensile tutttavia in frenata rispetto al +0,8% registrato...
Spagna, vendite al dettaglio in frenata
(Teleborsa) - Consumi e commercio spagnoli in salita nel mese di dicembre. Secondo l'ultima rilevazione dell'Istituto Nazionale di Statistica spagnolo (INE), le vendite al dettaglio, su base annua,...
Cina Regno Unito
Cameron’s $1bn China fund hits investment wall
Banks reluctant to finance project as UK tensions with Beijing also hinder progress
PM urges haste for parking plans
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered projects for underground parking areas in and around Bangkok to get a hurry-up while hoping to draw local and foreign investors to join, a Government House source said.
Trump blasts EU for trading with US 'very unfairly'
His comments may cause alarm in European capitals over future trade relations with the US.
Kenya Regno Unito
Brexit blessing in disguise for Kenya fresh produce exporters
The UK is Kenya’s second-most important export destination in Europe.
City county partners with Rwanda to clean Nairobi
Partnership informed by need to replicate steps taken by Rwanda in cleaning environment.
Cina USA
At Davos, the Real Star May Have Been China, Not Trump
While President Trump reassured business leaders that he wanted trade to continue, Beijing extended its economic reach to Latin America and the Arctic.
Coscharis presents Ford Ranger to Titan winner
Ford Motor Company, in collaboration with its local distributor Coscharis Motors, has presented a Ford Ranger to Iyeh Kennedy, winner of the Next Titan, Season 4. The winner was announced last December 10. Coscharis Motors General Manager Marketing Abiona Babarinde congratulated Kennedy on his achievement, saying: “We are proud to ...