• Malta

    An early 1970s season at the Schreiber SG

    In the 1970s, football in Malta went into decline. After the glorious years of the 1960s the game started to lose its sparkle and the attendances began to dwindle. In the first couple of seasons of the 1970s, however, the interest in the local game was still high and including in the ...

  • Cina India

    Thyssenkrupp, Tata Steel agree to forge Europe’s No. 2 steelmaker

    Germany’s Thyssenkrupp and India’s Tata Steel agreed yesterday to merge their European steel operations in a preliminary deal that would create the continent’s No.2 steelmaker after ArcelorMittal. The deal will not involve any cash, Tata Steel said, adding that both groups would contribute debt and liabilities to achieve an equal shareholding ...

  • Regno Unito

    Held in Dubai prison for rude finger sign

    A British IT worker says he faces a possible six-month term in a Dubai prison for sticking his middle finger up at another driver during a road row. Jamil Ahmed Mukadam, 23, made the rude gesture as he made his way to the airport in a hire car after a holiday ...

  • Malta

    Air Malta must keep flying

    In a leader last month, this newspaper expressed the opinion that, in the ongoing efforts to save Air Malta, appeasing suppliers and unions should not come in the equation. It made the comment after sources close to the national carrier said the airline had “to fly below the radar of the ...

  • Malta

    Today's front pages

    Good morning. Happy Independence Day. The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers today. Times of Malta leads with yesterday's PN meeting on the Granaries, quoting PN leader Adrian Delia as saying he is not afraid of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.  The Malta Independent says pilots see Air Malta's latest pay offer ...

  • Cina Australia Nuova Zelanda Hong Kong

    AIA plans $3bn buyout of CBA insurance units

    Hong Kong-based group set to become largest life assurer in Australia and New Zealand

  • USA

    Equifax faces legal onslaught from US states

    Attorneys-general have wide powers to fine companies and reshape business models

  • Oman Portogallo Malta Cipro

    METS: growth pillar for Medserv

    Medserv convened a meeting with financial analysts last week to provide additional details on the interim financial results published on August 23 and also to update the market on the current business pipeline as well as opportunities in the months and years ahead. Following the diversification strategy adopted in recent years, ...

  • Malta

    Something’s gotta give

    Air Malta and the government have now put what they consider to be the best offer they can possibly make, without breaking the airline's back once and for all, on the table for its employees. But by the sounds of it, not all employees are immediately jumping aboard the new ...

  • Malta Cipro

    Pilots see new offer as ‘unsatisfactory’ as Air Malta puts the ball in unions’ court

    Sources close to the Air Malta pilots union have poured cold water on the government's latest offer to employees, made just yesterday, saying that it was "not satisfactory".Speaking to this newspaper yesterday evening following discussions between the airline, its unions and the government, where a new deal of a 20% ...