• Malta

    Equity Index at 2-week high on heightened activity

    In contrast to the slowdown in trading activity across local equities during the past few trading sessions, volumes rebounded today with €0.74 million worth of shares changing hands as the MSE Equity Price Index added 0.3% to reach a new 2-week high of 4,659.113 points. Six equities, including IHI, GO ...

  • Francia Belgio

    F-16 : Paris va faire une "proposition" à Bruxelles

    La France s'apprête à faire une offre à la Belgique pour le renouvellement de ses avions de combat F-16, a déclaré jeudi la ministre française des Armées Florence Parly.

  • Belgio

    Nouvelle opération de police ciblant des migrants aux abords de la gare du Nord

    Une centaine d'agents de la zone de police Bruxelles-Nord mène ce jeudi matin une nouvelle action de contrôle de grande envergure autour de la gare de Bruxelles-Nord, en collaboration avec la police des chemins de fer et l'Office des Etrangers.

  • Malta

    PS insists action had been taken to tighten up gaming sector

    The Parliamentary Secretary for Digital Economy Silvio Schembri has dismissed an editorial which appeared on The Malta Independent today, saying that the article is based on an old and recycled story. The editorial, titled 'Money laundering - Something must be done to stop the rot',  quotes a report by Europol's Financial Intelligence ...

  • USA

    MEP Marlene Mizzi wants prices for international phone calls to be lowered

    The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) voted on Monday to lower charges on international phone calls and text messages as part of a draft telecoms bill.The S&D shadow rapporteur on the telecoms bill representing consumers and internal market, Marlene Mizzi, commented shortly after the vote: “I ...

  • Malta

    Malta Chamber insists summer half-days causing ‘bottlenecks’

    The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry insisted that summer half-days in government departments are causing “bottlenecks” that affect the operations of the private industry.In a statement, the chamber reiterated that in the current climate of rapid economic expansion, the private sector cannot afford bottlenecks that affect its operation, ...

  • USA Malta

    Minister Abela addresses SKOP Business Breakfast for Local Councils and NGOs

    Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela addressed a business breakfast organised by SKOP, a local NGO platform. The business breakfast was attended by local council representatives and NGOs and discussed the importance of tackling the Sustainable Development Goals on a local level.The minister explained that the SDGs ...

  • USA

    Tourist numbers up 11% in July, 17% in first seven months – NSO

    Total inbound visitors for July were estimated at 256,509, an increase of 11.7 per cent when compared to the corresponding month in 2016, the NSO said today.Inbound Tourism: July 2017A total of 217,438 inbound tourist trips were carried out for holiday purposes, while a further 9,942 were undertaken for business purposes. ...

  • Malta

    Government launches scheme to incentivize voluntary occupational pension

    Several incentives have been rolled out in a bid to encourage both employers and employees to set aside an occupational pension.This refers to small sums of money being put into a tax-free expense account, with money contributed by the employer and employee, which account is temporarily held by the employer ...

  • Singapore Malta

    Country needs long-term sustainable plan to solve environmental, traffic issues - Delia

    PN leadership contender Adrian Delia today pledged to initiate a long-term plan on sustainable development to combat the growing environmental and infrastructural issues facing the country.Speaking at a press conference in St Anne’s Square in Sliema, which he said was a symbolic location to represent the lack of proper planning ...