• Nigeria

    We’ll sustain forex interventions – CBN

    The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on Friday assured of its continued intervention in the inter-bank foreign exchange market in order to sustain liquidity and stability in the sector. The Acting Director, Corporate Communications Department at the apex bank, Isaac Okorafor, stated this in Abuja. He said the measures being ...

  • Senegal

    Le CNRA invite les médias au respect de la loi interdisant la publicité du tabac

    Dakar, 8 sept (APS) - Le Conseil national de régulation de l'audiovisuel (CNRA) a invité vendredi les radios et télévisions sénégalaises au "respect strict de la loi interdisant la publicité et la promotion du tabac", à la suite de la diffusion d'une publicité provenant d'une société de production de tabac ...

  • Senegal

    Dakar abrite la troisième réunion des actionnaires d'Africa50, mardi

    Dakar, 8 sept (APS) - La plateforme panafricaine d'investissement dans les infrastructures, Africa50, tiendra sa troisième réunion d'actionnaires à Dakar, mardi à 11 h, à l'hôtel King Fahd Palace, sous la présidence effective du chef de l'Etat sénégalais Macky Sall, indique un communiqué reçu à l'APS. Dakar, 8 sept (APS) ...

  • USA Giordania

    Children caught up in the aftermath of violence in Syria and Iraq need immediate protection and assistance

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Syrian Arab RepublicUNICEF states that as heavy fighting intensified over the past months especially in Syria and Iraq, children have been caught in the direct line of fire, facing grave risks to their lives.Statement from UNICEF Regional Director, Geert Cappelaere on children in conflict zones in ...

  • Angola Sudafrica USA

    UNHCR witnesses massive destruction and human suffering in Kasai

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Angola, Democratic Republic of the CongoEntire villages have been burnt down and civilians are in a dire situation as basic services have stopped and lawlessness prevails. Hundreds of children have been separated from their parents.This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR ...

  • Russia USA

    Ditch foreign software or lose out, Putin tells Russian tech firms

    Russian technology companies will lose out on state orders unless they switch to using home-grown software, Russian President Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying today.  Putin said that, in some spheres, state institutions could not work with companies running foreign software because that represented a risk for national cyber-security. "In terms of ...

  • Turchia USA Estonia

    Watch: Turkey's EU bid must be discussed among all member states - Foreign Minister

    Ending Turkey's EU membership talks and locking it out of the 28-member bloc is something that must be discussed among member states, Foreign Minister Carmelo Abela has said.  Dr Abela said that regardless of the outcome of those discussions, Turkey would continue to be a key ally.  "We should have excellent relations ...

  • Malta

    Migrant open centre in Marsa will soon close

    The days of the Marsa open centre are numbered and all residents will soon be relocated to Ħal Far in line with an electoral pledge by the Labour Party, Times of Malta has learnt. Though no official announcement has been made yet, government sources insisted yesterday the timing of the centre’s ...

  • USA

    Banned pesticides from illegal pot farms seep into California water

    Toxic chemicals from illegal marijuana farms hidden deep in California's forests are showing up in rivers and streams that feed the state's water supply, prompting fears that humans and animals may be at risk, data reviewed by Reuters show. The presence of potentially deadly pollutants in eight Northern and Central California ...

  • Malta

    Charged with raping, stalking woman as ex threatened to share video of abuse

    A 44-year-old Floriana man was this morning charged with raping, stalking and violently attacking a woman who wanted to end their relationship. The court heard how the man, David Xuereb, would not accept that the secret relationship he had with the victim had come to an end and threatened to tell ...