• Malta

    Slowdown in local trading activity

    The MSE Equity Price Index eased minimally lower during today’s stock exchange session to 4,656.649 points on the back of declines in MIA, Medserv and Malita which were only partly offset by the minimal uplift in the share price of HSBC. Meanwhile, a further five equities ended the session unchanged. ...

  • Malta

    Budget to deal with 'problems of robust growth'

    Waste management, cleanliness, the road infrastructure and rising rents are on the Finance Minister’s agenda as he inches towards Budget day on October 9. The next Budget will focus on the spillover problems caused by above average economic growth, Edward Scicluna said this afternoon after meeting the Malta Council for Economic ...

  • Malta

    Director, accountant defraud Transport Malta in road works billing

    A company director and his accounts clerk who bribed a Transport Malta architect to inflate bill of quantities related to road works have been handed suspended jail sentences and fined €140,000.  George Oliver Schembri, 55, from Birżebbuġa and a director of Alfred Schembri and Sons Limited and accounts clerk Donald Camilleri, ...

  • Cina USA Francia Germania Singapore Regno Unito Paesi Bassi Malta Irlanda Hong Kong

    Malta as financial services centre drops 8 places since March on global index

    Malta has dropped eight places since March 2017 to 85th out of 92 financial services centres, in the Zyen Global Financial Services Index released today. Malta improved its points since March by 15 to 609, but dropped in the rankings nevertheless. There was an overall drop in confidence amongst the leading centres. ...

  • USA

    America remembers the September 11 attacks

    President Donald Trump led a short ceremony at the White House today to mark the 16th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The American flag was also unfurled on the western side of the Pentagon to mark the attacks on the United States.   Nearly 3,000 people were killed that ...

  • Cina

    300 tonnes of dead pigs discovered in China

    Authorities in China have detained five people as they investigate caches of 300 tonnes of dead pigs uncovered in southern mountains, state media said today, the latest in a string of scandals over the mishandling of sick livestock. China is stepping up its fight on air, soil and water pollution with ...

  • USA

    Give 'Dreamers' legal status, UN rights chief urges Trump

    The top UN human rights official voiced concern on Monday at the Trump administration's decision to end the DACA programme for immigrants who arrived irregularly as children and urged the US Congress to give them lasting legal status in the country. Referring to the move announced recently by the administration to ...

  • Malta

    Trade deficit widens by €100m in July

    Malta's trade deficit widened by more than €100 million in July when compared to the same month last year, new figures released today show.  The country's trade deficit stood at €272.1 million in that month when compared to the €168.9 million figure registered in July 2016, data released by the National ...

  • Francia

    Remplacement des F-16 : une opportunité européenne à saisir

    Dans l'actuel contexte stratégique, le gouvernement fédéral et les entités fédérées ont tout intérêt à examiner sérieusement, et de façon conjointe, l'offre de partenariat formulée par la France en marge de la réunion européenne qui s'est tenue ce jeudi 7 septembre à Tallinn (Estonie).

  • Kenya Etiopia

    Peace accord leads to thriving trade on Kenya-Ethiopia border

    Kenyans and Ethiopians can now trade across the border.