Toshiba chip deal stalls amid counteroffers; Apple joins fray
Western Digital deal with Toshiba stalls as the Japan tech giant fielded last-minute new offers for its flash memory business.
Há seis armadores interessados na ligação por ferry entre a Madeira e o continente
Em apenas um dia, duplicou o número de entidades que adquiram o caderno de encargos, diz o secretário da Economia, Eduardo Jesus. Armadores têm 70 dias para apresentar propostas.
“Boa notícia” mas “é preciso mais”: Marcelo reage a dados da economia
Presidente da República considerou que o crescimento económico de 2,9% no segundo trimestre é "uma boa notícia" e que Portugal vai "no caminho correto", mas salientou que "é preciso mais", apontando a meta dos 3%.
Cazaquistão acena a Temer com investimento de até US$ 1,4 bi na Bahia
Proposta é de construção do terminal portuário de Ilhéus e da Ferrovia de Integração Oeste Leste-FIOL
Petroleiras estreiam no Brasil em novo leilão
Seis petroleiras estrangeiras buscam oportunidades para entrar no mercado brasileiro neste ano, a partir da 14ª rodada de concessão de blocos exploratórios, em setembro. A lista inclui gigantes do setor, como a Petronas, da Malásia, e produtores menores, como a indiana Capricorn e a americana Murphy Oil
Police investigating their own slow response to ambulance crew's call for help
The police internal affairs unit is looking into a complaint from nurses that it took officers 40 minutes to respond to a call for help by an ambulance crew, the Times of Malta has learnt. A police spokeswoman confirmed that the case was being investigated internally. The Malta Union of Midwives and ...
After nine years, man acquitted of drug charges
A British man residing in Malta who had faced criminal action over cannabis cultivation and possession, was acquitted by a Magistrates’ Court today on the basis of insufficient proof, nine years after the charges were pressed against him. Sean Anthony McGahern, 42, had been the subject of criminal action ...
Regno Unito Malta
Prime Minister appoints Malta-UK business promotion taskforce
Joseph Zammit Tabona has been appointed by the Prime Minister to chair the newly set up Malta-UK Business Promotion Taskforce which will be responsible for business promotion of Malta within the UK. This task force is being set up to implement a plan of action between now and end 2019 to ...
Regno Unito Malta
Prime Minister appoints Malta-UK Business Promotion task force
The Prime Minister appointed his Special Envoy for Investment Promotion Joseph Zammit Tabona (photo) to chair the newly set up Malta-UK Business Promotion Taskforce which will be responsible for business promotion of Malta within the UK.This task force is being set up to implement a plan of action between now ...
Singapore Malta
TMID Editorial: Light pollution - Let there be less light
The blight of Malta’s light pollution epidemic is bound to eventually reach epic proportions unless proper light abatement measures begin being imposed on future developments and remedial action is taken with respect to the thousands of existing glaring sources of light pollution.Some time ago NASA had published a photograph of ...