Mentor da campanha de Passos Coelho detido no Brasil
André Gustavo, especialista em marketing político que trabalhou para o PSD, foi hoje detido no Brasil no âmbito da investigação da Lava-Jato.
Sustentabilidade: CEiiA reforça parceria com o Brasil
O Centro para a Excelência e Inovação na Indústria Automóvel revela que entre esta quinta-feira e amanhã, dia 28 de julho, irá assinar, no Brasil, novos acordos de cooperação com três entidades: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, COPEL e o Parque Tecnológico da ITAIPU.
Business in Brief: Israel places 15th among eBay buyers worldwide
Booking.com recruiting for R&D center in Tel Aviv; R&D outlays grow 7%, mostly funded by companies abroad
USA Grecia
EU launches new humanitarian programme for the integration and accommodation of refugees in Greece
Source: European Commission, European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Country: Greece, WorldThe programme helps refugees rent urban accommodation and provides them with cash assistance marking a change from providing support for accommodation in camps. This includes the launch of the flagship 'Emergency Support To Integration & Accommodation' ...
USA Kenya Bosnia Erzegovina
DRC: UN rights chief names international investigators in Kasai abuses
Source: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Country: Democratic Republic of the CongoAccording to the UN Human Rights Council, the new team of experts is expected to collect and preserve information, and to determine facts and circumstances in accordance with international standards and practice.GENEVA (26 July 2017) – ...
Egypt: IFC Board Approves Investment in World's Largest Solar Photovoltaic Generation Park in Egypt
[PR Newswire] Cairo -The Board of Executive Directors of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, approved on July 20 an investment of $635 million that will help construct, operate and maintain up to 11 solar power plants in Egypt. The combined capacity of the plants amount to 500 ...
Fincantieri, Parigi ha deciso: nazionalizzerà Stx
(Teleborsa) - La Francia ha deciso: nazionalizzerà i cantieri navali Stx di Saint Nazaire. L'ufficializzazione è arrivata dal ministro dell'Economia Bruno Le Maire. Una notizia che era...
Delincuentes tienen dos caminos, dice Pinzón
#SucesosCri El director de la Policía, Omar Pinzón asegura que tienen identificados a los autores del crimen de esta tarde en Colón. Afirma que los grupos delincuenciales de Colón tienen 2 caminos: respetar la ley o van a parar a la cárcel. Opina #Panama @protegeryservir.
Remise de clés de 7 minibus, cet après-midi à Fatick
Dakar, 27 juil (APS) – Le Conseil exécutif des transports urbains de Dakar (CETUD) organise cet après-midi à Fatick (centre), une cérémonie de remise des clés de 7 minibus neufs destinés au renforcement de l'offre de transport urbain dans la commune, annonce un communiqué transmis à l'APS. - Agenda
Les législatives de dimanche et d'autres sujets au menu
Dakar, 27 juil (APS) – L'avis favorable du Conseil constitutionnel sur la possibilité de voter avec un document autre que la carte biométrique, les dernières notes de la campagne électorale, la démission de Thierno Alassane Sall de l'APR et l'affaire de la fillette qui insultait sur les réseaux sociaux sont ...