Fed raises key US interest rate

    WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve has raised its key interest rate for the third time in six months, providing its latest vote of confidence in a slow-growing but durable economy. The Fed also announced plans to start gradually paring its bond holdings later this year, which could cause long-term rates ...

  • Brasile

    Campanha do Ministério da Saúde busca reduzir sal das massas

    Governo e indústria alimentícia querem fazer o brasileiro ingerir menos cloreto de sódio. Desta vez, o foco é o sal do principal ingrediente do café da manhã, o pãozinho. Documento firmado ontem entre o Ministério da Saúde e representantes das empresas produtoras de comida processada estendeu acordo de cooperação técnica ...

  • Cina

    Why Did China Detain Anbang’s Chairman? He Tested a Lot of Limits.

    Wu Xiaohui often skirted the mostly unwritten rules on what Chinese companies are allowed to do, from big deals to an effort to court Donald Trump’s son-in-law.

  • Brasile

    Brazil’s Eike Batista Found Guilty of Insider Trading

    By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – With a 2 to 1 vote, Brazil’s Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) found the once billionaire businessman Eike Batista guilty of insider trading, ordering Batista to pay a fine of R$21 million. “There is proof that the changes in the ...

  • Egitto Venezuela

    Give your kids Western names, face jail term –Egypt parliament

    Parents in Egypt could soon be sentenced to six months in jail for giving their children ‘Western’ names such as ‘Mark’, ‘Lara’ and ‘Sam’. A draft law banning the use of ‘foreign names’ was introduced by MP Bedier Abdel Aziz and discussed by his country’s parliament yesterday. Abdel Aziz said ...

  • Nigeria

    FG moves to stop evasion of taxes by major companies

    Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja The Federal Government on Wednesday commenced a move aimed at stopping major companies from evading tax. To achieve this, the Federal Executive Council granted permission to the Ministry of Finance to sign a multilateral convention to implement tax treaty related matters to prevent base erosion and profit ...

  • Nigeria

    Saraki’s victory at CCT, setback for anti-graft war –CSOs

    Civil society organisations have said the Senate President, Bukola Saraki’s victory at the Code of Conduct Tribunal is a setback in the anti-corruption fight. Saraki, who had been on trial over allegation of false declaration of assets, was discharged and acquitted by the tribunal on Wednesday in Abuja. Chairman of ...

  • Cina

    China’s best-known tycoons who fell foul of Beijing

    Anbang’s Wu Xiaohui is latest business leader to face detention or investigation

  • Francia

    Marché pétrolier : Le rééquilibrage se poursuit lentement

    Le rééquilibrage tant attendu du marché pétrolier est en passe de devenir une réalité à la faveur de la nouvelle conjoncture induite par le dernier accord conclu au sein de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP). Dans un rapport rendu public, hier, l’Organisation estime, en effet, que «le rééquilibrage ...

  • Marocco Algeria

    MLA compte lancer un emprunt chaque année

    L’établissement financier spécialisé dans le leasing, Maghreb Leasing Algérie (MLA), envisage de devenir un acteur régulier sur le marché obligataire local en lançant un nouvel emprunt chaque année, nous a indiqué hier son président du directoire, Nafa Abrous. «Nous envisageons d’émettre chaque année un nouvel emprunt obligataire pour des montants ...