• Russia

    Zimbabwe: Russia Keen to Invest in the Country

    [The Herald] Russia has shown keen interest in investing in the country's industries with its private sector expected to visit the country to follow up on deals that were discussed on June 3 in St Petersburg.The latest interest came after the recent business visit to Russia by a high-powered delegation ...

  • Cina

    Uganda: Uganda, China Sign MOU On Starting Three Development Projects

    [Uganda Media Centre] Uganda and China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for 3 proposed investment projects namely the construction of the East African-China Manufacturing, Trade and Exhibition Centre in Kampala, an abattoir in South Western Uganda and Kampala Metropolitan Rapid Bus Transport.

  • Angola

    Angola: Govt Reinforces Private Investment

    [ANGOP] Ndalatando -The government of the northern Cuanza Norte province is adopting policies focused on encouraging and publicising the provincial economic potential with a view to attracting more private investment and diversification of the local economy.

  • USA Etiopia

    Ethiopia's Rising Role in Drawing FDI to Africa

    [Ethiopian Herald] The past quarter of a century witnessed the rise of trade relations between states and powerful non-state actors. Cross-border investments have become the order of the day in which private interests are provided with packages of incentives such as tax breaks to start their businesses in countries that ...

  • India

    Tanzania Among Top Five Fastest Growing Economies

    [Daily News] Tanzania's Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is tipped to grow by 7.2 per cent to become the world fourth fastest economy in this year. According to World Economic Prospect June report the country economy forecasted to grow at per with India GDP.

  • Etiopia

    Nile Gets Green Light to Start Mortgage Insurance

    [Addis Fortune] The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) gave its approval for Nile Insurance S.C. to start a mortgage redemption insurance policy. The approval was given in a letter sent to Nile on June 12, 2017.

  • Nigeria Malta

    Four arraigned over drug operation

    A foreign couple and two Maltese men were today remanded in custody following their arraignment over drug-related charges after the Malta police last Sunday evening managed to break up a suspected drug trafficking ring which allegedly had been ongoing for months. Belgian nationals Carine Rose-Marijke Donckers, 51, self-employed, and Johnny Jos ...

  • USA

    Merkel urges EU to stick together after Brexit talks launched

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has urged the European Union's remaining 27 members to stick together during talks on Britain's exit from the bloc, which began yesterday. Merkel also said the talks were important for the future of European integration. Brexit was a setback but election results in the Netherlands and France ...

  • Spagna

    Alfred Mifsud says former partner ‘used’ Daphne Caruana name to threaten him

    Outgoing deputy governor of the Central Bank Alfred Mifsud said today his former partner used Daphne Caruana Galizia’s name to threaten him, and said she would spoil his chances of becoming CBM governor.Mifsud was testifying in a libel case he instituted against the blogger after it was claimed that he ...

  • USA Malta

    TMID Editorial: Hate speech - Where is the serenity?

    The word ‘serenity’ was thrown about so often during and even after the electoral campaign that foreigners visiting our shores could think they landed on some happy, hippy la-la land where the sun always shines, the people love each other and unity reigns. But this is not Malta’s current reality. ...