• Paraguay

    Familias se endeudaron menos, gracias a la ley de tarjetas

    En el último informe sobre estabilidad financiera al mes de mayo de este año, el Banco Central del Paraguay (BCP) señala que el crecimiento de la deuda de los hogares paraguayos ha observado una desaceleración.

  • Senegal

    Mankeur Ndiaye signe deux accords de siège avec l'IRESSEF et Trust africa

    Dakar, 23 juin (APS) - Le ministre des Affaires étrangères et des Sénégalais de l'extérieur, Mankeur Ndiaye, a signé, vendredi, deux accords de siège avec Trust Africa et l'Institut de recherche en santé, de surveillance épidémiologique et de formation (Iressef) dans le but de renforcer le partenariat avec l'Etat du ...

  • Nigeria

    Customs impounds 15 smuggled vehicles in Oyo

    Olufemi Atoyebi, Ibadan The Controller, Oyo/Osun Area Command, Nigeria Customs Service, Udo-Aka Emmanuel, has said that 15 vehicles were impounded from smugglers in Saki, Oyo State, with duty payable on the vehicles worth N23.3m. Emmanuel explained that the smugglers took to their heels when the men of the command confronted ...

  • Nigeria

    FG begins special training for community tax officers

    The Federal Government on Friday commenced training of 27 unemployed graduates that were recruited as Community Tax Liaison Officers to boost tax awareness. The Minister of Finance, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, made this known to journalists after her meeting with the graduates currently undergoing their training at the Federal Treasury Academy, ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    Nigeria, China Relations

    The Nigeria-China relationship has come a long way dating back to more than three decades. Recent developments especially in the areas of construction, commerce, trade and strategic partnerships are designed to reinforce and strengthen existing friendship between the two countries. Though in its relations with Nigeria, she has tried to ...

  • Brasile

    Brasil poderia exportar US$ 100 milhões em carne aos EUA neste ano

    Os Estados Unidos representaram 2,79% das exportações de carne bovina in natura do Brasil

  • Brasile

    Alta do PIB não se converte em popularidade para Temer, diz IP Brasil

    “É quase unânime entre os internautas que o presidente não tem mais condições de permanecer no cargo”, diz o relatório da .Map

  • Malta

    Demand for fixed phone lines keeps growing as usage declines

    Uptake of mobile and fixed phone and data services continued to grow last year, the Malta Communications Authority said. The MCA's Communications Market Review for July to December last year found that pay television was the only sector to go against this trend, with take-up declining as an increasing proportion of ...

  • USA Malta

    No formal bids for film studios in Rinella

    A fresh decision on the privatisation process of the Malta Film Studios in Rinella, will be made because a first attempt attracted no formal bids, the Times of Malta is informed. Although five companies had originally expressed interest in running the film studios, none moved on to submit a proposal when ...

  • Brasile

    Polícia prende dono de empresa responsável por carreta de acidente no ES

    A Polícia Civil do Espírito Santo prendeu, na tarde desta sexta-feira (23/6), um dos donos da empresa Jamarle Transportes, responsável pela carreta que provocou a tragédia na BR-101, em Guarapari, na manhã desta quinta-feira, 22, deixando 22 mortos e 21 feridos. Ele esteve em Vitória e prestou depoimento na Delegacia ...