• Brasile

    Governo libera vacinação contra a gripe para toda a população

     O governo federal anunciou hoje (2/5) a decisão de liberar a vacina contra a gripe para toda a população do país, a partir de segunda-feira. De acordo com o ministro da Saúde, Ricardo Barros, a medida só vale este ano e enquanto durarem os estoques.  Leia mais notícias em Brasil Anteriormente, apenas ...

  • Brasile

    Jovens de baixa renda podem fazer viagens interestaduais gratuitas

     Os brasileiros que têm entre 15 e 29 anos, e renda familiar de até dois salários-mínimos, já podem viajar gratuitamente entre estados do país. O direito, que será garantido por meio do documento ID Jovem, foi aprovado em 2013, no Estatuto da Juventude, mas virou realidade somente em dezembro de ...

  • Brasile

    Incêndio em asilo mata duas idosas no Rio Grande do Sul

    Duas idosas morreram em um incêndio ocorrido no Asilo Santa Isabel, no município de Vacaria, no Rio Grande do Sul. O fogo começou logo após o meio-dia de quinta-feira (1º/6), e destruiu cerca de 70% do prédio, de dois andares e que abrigava 47 idosos, muito deles portadores de doenças ...

  • Giappone

    Japan, Short on Babies, Reaches a Worrisome Milestone

    Annual births have fallen below a million, and the shrinking population is affecting the job and housing markets, along with consumer and business spending.

  • Brasile

    Rio-Niterói Bridge Toll Rises to R$4.10 in Rio de Janeiro

    By Mariana Sales, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Starting yesterday (Thursday, June 1st) the toll on the Ponte Rio-Niterói (Rio-Niterói bridge) increased from R$4 to R$4.10 per trip and is the second adjustment made since Ecoponte started management of the route two years ago. According to the National ...

  • Brasile

    Oi Futuro Launches Film Exhibition About Refugees

    By Beatriz Miranda, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Starting next Tuesday (June 6th), Oi Futuro Flamengo hosts the festival “Olhares sobre o Refúgio”, which will display Brazilian and foreign films that address the theme of refuges. The free exhibition will happen every Tuesday of June, at 7PM, bringing five ...

  • USA

    Most SE Asia stocks up, Philippines down

    Most Southeast Asian markets finished higher on Friday as investors were optimistic with upbeat US manufacturing and employment data suggesting the world's largest economy was regaining speed.

  • Nigeria

    TUC warns Senate over plans to increase fuel pump price

    Fidelis Soriwei, Abuja The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria had warned at the Senate against plans to increase the pump price of petroleum products in the country. The President of the TUC, Mr. Bala Kaigama, and the Secretary General, Mr. Musa-Lawal Ozigi, said in a statement on Friday that the ...

  • USA

    Withdrawal from Paris Climate agreement bad –Mark Zuckerberg

    Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has joined the ranks of Americans who do not support their president’s withdrawal of America from the Paris climate agreement. Zuckerberg, writing through his verified Facebook handle argued, “Withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement is bad for the environment, bad for the economy, and ...

  • Germania

    Mendy to join Man City for £39.8m

    Manchester City has reportedly agreed terms with AS Monaco left-back, Benjamin Mendy, with the Frenchman set to move to the Etihad Stadium for £39.m. The 22-year-old, who is currently on international duty with France, has agreed a £100,000-a-week wage with The Citizens and is expected to sign after the international ...