• Francia

    Movimiento de carga en los puertos de Panamá aumenta 14.4% este año

    Los datos oficiales indican que, de lo que va de este año, por el Canal de Panamá han transitado 4 mil 960 naves, 260 más que el año pasado.

  • Malta

    What caused the PL landslide?

    ‘I call them the new switchers’ Michael FalzonFormer NationalistCabinet minister “Like many, I was not surprised by the fact that Labour won the election, but I must admit the incredibly wide gap between LP and PN surprised me no end. More than in any other election, social media played a very important part. ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    UK consumer spending falls for first time in nearly four years – Visa

    British consumers cut their spending for the first time in nearly four years last month, figures from credit card firm Visa showed, as households turned more cautious even before last week's shock election result. Consumer spending in May was 0.8 per cent lower than in the same month in 2016 after ...

  • Panama Malta

    Rule of law in Malta under MEPs’ spotlight

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will on Wednesday set out to defend his government’s reputation during a European Parliament debate on the rule of law in Malta. The debate will be linked to the Panama Papers leaks involving Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, who on Friday were re-appointed to the government. Serious questions ...

  • Regno Unito

    Tottering Theresa May names new UK Cabinet as critics circle

    Embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May appointed ministers to her shaky government Sunday, as some Conservative colleagues rallied to support her — and others said her days were numbered after last week's disastrous election.May is seeking a deal with a Northern Irish party to prop up the Conservative minority administration, ...

  • Panama Malta

    Husband of Pilatus whistle-blower backs up claims that his wife wasn’t paid by bank

    The Greek husband of the Pilatus bank whistle-blower told the court that his wife did not receive any pay for the work at Pilatus bank.Taking the witness stand, the man said that the bank had given his wife some money, but it wasn't for wages. "She received nothing as far ...

  • Cina Romania Malta

    TMID Editorial: An election is no substitute for due legal process

    In an interview granted to iNews, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat claimed that Konrad Mizzi had already been found not guilty by the popular vote in the election.The fact that Dr Mizzi was re-elected, and from two districts too, seems to be for Dr Muscat a clear not guilty verdict delivered ...

  • Russia USA Malta

    The US, Russia and EU must converge on Libya - Alfred Sant

    Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant warned US Congressmen and European Members of parliament during the 80th inter-parliamentary meeting of the ‘Transatlantic Legislators Dialogue’ in Valletta that if the debacle in Libya is to be contained, there needs to be convergence between the US, Russia and the EU about what their ...

  • Brasile

    Brazilianen straffen tiener met tatoeage op zijn voorhoofd

    Brazilianen spreken hun afschuw uit over de ‘beestachtige’ behandeling van een 17-jarige jongen. Twee mannen hebben op het voorhoofd van een tiener uit Sao Paulo de tekst ‘eu sou ladrão e vacilão’ getatoeëerd, ‘ik ben een dief en een mislukkeling’.

  • Qatar USA

    Qatar can defend economy and currency, finance minister tells CNBC

    Qatar can easily defend its economy and currency against sanctions by other Arab states, Qatari finance minister Ali Sherif al-Emadi told CNBC television in an interview broadcast on June 12.