• Malta

    Election: No decision yet on postponement of exams - University

    No decision has as yet been taken as to whether examinations to fall on election day and early the following week will be postponed.The University’s marketing director Pierre Cassar told The Malta Independent that discussions are taking place with the students to see the best way forward.The announcement of a ...

  • Marocco

    Analysis: Election roundup Day 2 - Labour’s pledges, PN in Gozo and… Dissett

    The campaign entered its second day, with the Labour Party giving more information about its pledges while the Nationalist Party kept on punding Labour about its mistake which led to the early election. There was also the first appearance of both leaders on national television.Labour PartyJoseph Muscat continues to harp ...

  • Malta

    First iSurvey results to be published on Friday in The Malta Independent newspaper

    The Malta Independent will tomorrow publish its findings of the Spring edition of the iSurvey which coincided with the announcement of the June 3rd snap election.The iSurvey is a scientific exercises conducted by Business Leaders for The Malta Independent. The findings of the iSurvey will be rolled out over the ...

  • USA Nigeria

    UN Secretary-General's report details “unspeakable horrors” suffered by Nigerian children under Boko Haram control

    Source: UN Office of the SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict Country: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, NigeriaThe report covers the period from January 2013 to December 2016 and highlights trends and patterns pertaining to six grave violations against children in the context of the conflict in the north-eastern region of the country.New ...

  • Serbia Turchia USA Bulgaria Grecia Slovenia Macedonia

    Delayed family reunification process causing psychosocial distress to refugee children - UNICEF

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, WorldIn 2016, nearly 5,000 family reunification requests, 700 from unaccompanied and separated children, were made from Greece, with only 1,107 applicants reaching their destination country by the end of the year.NEW YORK / GENEVA, ...

  • Brasile USA Ghana Kenya Etiopia Nigeria

    How a multi-pronged approach could defeat fall armyworm in Africa

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: Benin, Brazil, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, WorldTackling the pest and avoiding economic hardship for smallholders across Africa requires coordinated action, a massive awareness campaign, ...

  • Sudafrica

    Africa: Invest in Agriculture, Continent Urged

    [The Herald] Durban -AFRICAN governments should invest in agriculture, giving particular attention to the small scale farmers on whom the sector and the continent's economic transformation are premised. Speaking during a debate here yesterday on leadership in an era of disruption, Oxfam International Executive Director Winnie Byanyima said it was ...

  • Algeria

    Après ENI, Statoil s’intéresse à l’Algérie

    La perspective d’un nouveau partenariat dans l’offshore avec la Norvège fait suite à celle concrétisée entre Sonatrach et le groupe italien ENI via un contrat d’exploration signé au mois de mars dernier en vue de la prospection au large des côtes algériennes. Sonatrach et Statoil envisagent un partenariat d’exploration pétrolière ...

  • Bolivia

    Le nombre des importateurs stagne

    Le secteur du commerce extérieur comptait 43 418 opérateurs en 2016 composés de 41 788 importateurs et de 1630 exportateurs, dont le nombre a augmenté de plus de 31% par rapport à 2015, relèvent des statistiques obtenues par l’APS auprès du Centre national du registre du commerce (Cnrc). Sur les ...

  • Etiopia Regno Unito

    Fiscal, Monetary Policies Mismatch to Blame for Forex Woes

    [Addis Fortune] Last week, Ethiopia got a vindication of a sort of its gains over the years in its pursuit of economic growth. A London-based magazine, "World Finance", has joined the foray listing it second in the five fastest growing economies in the world, next to Bhutan's 11.1pc. Neither is ...