• Malta

    Lax password security practices flagged in NAO cyber security report on 10 government entities

    The National Audit Office (NAO) has issued an IT Audit report on cyber security across Government entities, and found a number of issues.The principal aim of this comprehensive report was to evaluate the level of adoption of selected cyber security controls across ten Government entities, namely: Malita Investments p.l.c.; Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology; Malta ...

  • USA

    'Dieselgate could have been prevented’ – Labour Party MEP Miriam Dalli

    The evidence found in the final report of the EU Parliament's Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS) committee clearly shows that the 'Dieselgate' scandal could have been prevented, MEP Miriam Dalli has said in a statement.Following a committee vote on this report, the S&D spokesperson on Environment Miriam Dalli ...

  • USA

    'EU Funds are to be used in a responsible and accountable manner' – Minister Edward Scicluna

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said that EU institutions need to send a clear signal to EU citizens that EU funds are to be used in a responsible and accountable manner, "with full respect to the principle of sound financial management".Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna was addressing members of the EU ...

  • Malta

    Report praises progress in health sector but obesity still massive problem

    The Health Systems in transition (HiT) review praised government's ability to vastly improve the health care sector but maintained that sustainability, obesity  (of which Malta is the highest in Europe), diabetes and HIV remain principal issues in the industry's development. The HiT series consists of country-based reviews that provide a ...

  • USA

    EU Commission President Juncker presents five possible scenarios for EU post-Brexit

    EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has presented five possible scenario's on how the Commission believes the EU could evolve by 2025 depending on the will of the European people, ranging from a shrinking of the EU's powers, to a defence union.This White Paper is the Commission's attempt to "open an ...

  • Portogallo

    Eike Batista acumula lista de obras na mira da Justiça

    Sob suspeita de comprar o apoio do ex-governador Sérgio Cabral (PMDB-RJ), o ex-bilionário Eike Batista, investigado na Operação Lava-Jato, também tem antigos empreendimentos questionados em ao menos seis ações judiciais que acusam supostos favorecimentos de órgãos públicos e de servidores para agilizar liberação de obras de grande impacto ambiental.As ações ...

  • Kenya

    Can’t a Luo have a big state job? Nyanza MPs trash Ouko petition

    MPs have lashed at a light-touch petition by a Nairobi lawyer seeking the removal of Auditor General Edward Ouko terming it a 'fishing expedition." Members of the Finance, Planning and Trade Committee launched a stinging attack on the petition filed by Emmanuel Mwagambo as they got down to business on ...

  • Kenya

    Willie Kimani’s colleagues frantically searched for him

    A witness on Tuesday tearfully narrated the frantic efforts they made as they tried to trace missing lawyer Willy Kimani and two others the night they disappeared.Kimani, his client Josphat Mwendwa and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri had attended a case at the Mavoko law courts on June 23, after which ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Could Kenya's Courier & Delivery Industry be next in line for Digital disruption?

    If global trends are anything to go by, then I'd predict that Kenya's Courier & Delivery business is up next for the digital disruption.

  • Kenya

    Kiambu shuts Thika Stadium to NASA rally

    Thika Stadium is out of bounds for political events, at least for now, to allow for renovations. Kiambu Sports executive Machel Waikenda yesterday said the stadium has been closed for construction and renovations. NASA had planned to hold its maiden rally in Central in the stadium on Saturday. NASA ...