• Malta

    Illegally parked cars registered outside of Malta clamped and fined on the spot

    Illegally parked vehicles that are registered outside of Malta, more so when registered outside of the EU, will be clamped and fined on the spot, Transport Minister Joe Mizzi said this evening in Parliament.Public concern has persisted due to vehicles registered outside of Malta parking wherever they please due to ...

  • Malta

    Importance of further intensification of EU efforts vis-à-vis Libya affirmed

    “The European Union must further intensify its efforts in respect of Libya, including through more focused Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) actions and the following-up of objectives and work strands that were agreed at the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration and the Informal EU Summit held in Malta last ...

  • USA Malta

    Busuttil insists that political parties survive through donations that pay for all operations

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said that due to Malta’s system, political parties can only survive through donations received by the public, families and businesses.  Dr Busuttil said that he is thankful that he referred the contract between db Group, where Silvio Debono is chairman, and the government over the former ...

  • Malta

    Updated: Lawyer claims pro-euthanasia individuals approaching vulnerable patients with petition

    Individuals who are members of a group in favour of euthanasia are approaching ‘vulnerable patients’ in a number of hospitals to have a petition in favour of euthanasia signed, a lawyer is claiming.Lawyer Tonio Azzopardi filed a judicial protest in his personal capacity, against the permanent secretary at the Ministry ...

  • Malta

    PN soon to unveil long-term traffic plan – Simon Busuttil

    The PN wants a transport system that will prepare Malta for 20 years to come, Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said during a meeting with the European Law Students Association in Malta (ELSA).Dr Busuttil said that the PN is looking at transport more comprehensively, and believes that a transformation in this ...

  • Malta

    Man’s request for renewal of bus driver’s licence turned down, decision confirmed on appeal

    James Agius, who challenged a decision taken by the Malta Transport Authority after it rejected his request to renew his driver’s licence, had the decision reconfirmed after filing an appeal before the Administrative Review Tribunal.Last December, Mr Agius was informed of the decision by the Malta Transport Authority on the ...

  • Malta

    Updated (2): Giovanni Bonello to head PN commission set up to present proposals on party financing

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil announced this morning that the Nationalist Party has set up a commission to analyse and submit proposals on party financing. The Commission, which will be lead by retired judge Giovanni Bonello, will also examine the ways politicians are financed.The details of the commission will be ironed out ...

  • USA

    A&H Magazine: Singular advantage? Is life better or worse alone?

    Being single frightens some. Others embrace singlehood gladly.  Some people badly want to be in a relationship because they are afraid of loneliness. Others say being single was the most productive period of their life. We asked three people what they think. Here's what they said.Walter, 37 years old, never ...

  • USA Malta

    EU approves stronger rules to prevent terrorism and rights to victims

    Members states will be given updated and extending tools to “respond to the evolving threat of terrorism” after EU Ministers approved a set of new measures today, the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU has announced.The new directives will enable law enforcement and judicial authorities in the EU to ...

  • USA Malta

    EU ministers give green light to increased checks on external EU borders

    EU Member States will carry out systematic checks against relevant databases on all individual’s at the EU’s external borders, regardless of whether, or not, they are EU nationals, after EU Ministers gave the final green light on new regulations which will amend the Schengen Borders Code today, the Permanent Representation ...