• Nigeria

    Obayemi: RCCG’s new ‘Daddy GO’

    Arukaino Umukoro Like his Biblical namesake, Pastor Joseph Obayemi has been given a huge mandate from the fringes to lead a generation of faithful in the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Before January 7, Obayemi was the Special Assistant on Finance to the man he replaced as General Overseer of ...

  • Ghana Nigeria

    Akufo-Addo takes oath as Ghana’s new president

    •A new dawn has come, says Tinubu in congratulatory message Accra- Before a roaring  crowd including  local and foreign guests ,Nana Akufo-Addo yesterday took office as Ghana’s fifth president, promising to stamp out government corruption and kick start the private sector. The 72-year-old former human rights lawyer declared that being ...

  • Nigeria

    Will National Dev. Bank consume BoI, NEXIM, others?

    There are fears that the takeoff of the National Development Bank of Nigeria later this month will naturally lead to the exit of the existing development finance institutions like the Bank of Industry, Nigeria Export-Import Bank and many others. Ibrahim Apekhade Yusuf in this report examines the clear and present ...

  • Nigeria

    Forex Responsible For Kerosene Price Hike – IPMAN

    Olanrewaju Okanlawon, a factional Chairman of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), in Kwara has ascribed the recurring hike in the price of kerosene to the unstable foreign exchange occasioned by the lingering economic recession. Mr. Okanlawon told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ilorin on Saturday ...

  • Brasile

    Governo de RR investiga se há corpos enterrados em penitenciária agrícola

    O secretário de Justiça e Cidadania de Roraima, Uziel Castro, informou neste sábado (7/1) que o governo está investigando a denúncia de familiares de presos da Penitenciária Agrícola de Monte Cristo (PAMC), em Boa Vista, de que haveria pelo menos mais dois corpos enterrados no complexo após os 31 assassinatos ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Kenyan economy riding on menial jobs, study shows

    By any measure, that's a scandalous indictment for whatever has recently been passing as a national examination system. But that's not the whole story – the real impact of Kenya's sub-par education system will be felt long after the exam system is over.

  • Kenya

    Business: Hotels spice up holiday-making with animators

    Hospitality, aviation and wildlife expert, Prof Wolfgang Thome told Weekend Business that entertainment at leading resorts is almost a must. “It is evident that along the Kenyan Coast, beach resorts from Malindi, Watamu, Kilifi, Mombasa all the way to Diani have embraced this concept,'' Wolfgang who is based in Kampala, ...

  • Kenya

    Business: Government's long running headache of manning road toll stations

    This, he argued, would help the Government raise money to maintain and repair roads. The MP, named by the Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard) as S M Kivuitu, noted that Kenyans who own cars were people of means and were making money travelling on the roads and hence should ...

  • Ghana

    President Akufo-Addo to cut taxes

    Ghana’s new President Nana Akufo-Addo pledged to cut taxes to boost the economy at his swearing in ceremony on Saturday, whilst also promising to protect the public purse by getting value for money on services. Akufo-Addo, 72, defeated incumbent John Dramani Mahama in peaceful elections a month ago, a rare ...

  • Nigeria

    Forex responsible for kerosene price hike – IPMAN

    A factional Chairman of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria, in Kwara, Alhaji Olanrewaju Okanlawon, has ascribed the recurring hike in the price of kerosene to the unstable foreign exchange occasioned by the lingering economic recession. Okanlawon said on Saturday that the association should not be blamed for the series ...