• Malta

    Trade unions complain of lack of consultation on Air Malta

    The FORUM group of trade union has complained that it is not being updated by the government about the future of Air Malta. It said no consultation is being made with three of its members - the Association of Airline Engineers Malta (AAE), the Airline Pilots Association – Malta (ALPA) and ...

  • Malta

    Cabinet ministers grilling by European Parliament kicks off

    The European Parliament will begin its grilling of Cabinet Ministers in view of Malta’s turn at the EU Council Presidency in order to be convinced that the agendas for their respective portfolios are satisfactory for the MEPs.The European Parliament as well as the Council are jointly responsible for passing EU ...

  • Russia Filippine

    Combative Trump concedes Russia's role in election hacking

    In a combative and freewheeling news conference, President-elect Donald Trump said for the first time Wednesday that he accepts Russia was behind the election year hacking of Democrats that roiled the White House race. Looking ahead, he urged Congress to move quickly to replace President Barack Obama's signature health care ...

  • USA Francia Regno Unito Malta

    Opening ceremony for Malta EU Council Presidency 2017, PM aims to remove political disconnect

    The official opening ceremony of Malta's EU presidency was held this evening at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta, with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat officially being entrsuted with the leadership of the EU for the next six months in the presence of Eddie Fenech Adami, former Nationalist Prime Minister who ...

  • Turchia Malta

    Justice Minister focuses family law, fighting gender violence, Economy Minister on copyright – EP

    Economy Minister Chris Cardona and Justice Minister Owen Bonnici presented themselves before the European Parliament (EP) committee on legal affairs, also known as JURI. There role is to present their respective programs for the upcoming six months while Malta takes the EU Council presidency. Justice Minister Owen Bonnici said that ...

  • Malta

    Afriqiyah hijack: Soldiers describe how suspects descended from plane and surrendered

    The compilation of evidence against the Afriqiyah Airways hijackers resumed this afternoon before Magistrate Anthony Vella. A number of soldiers recounted the moment the alleged hijackers descended from the plane and gave themselves up.Libyans Moussa Saha Ali Soko and Ali Ahmed Saleh deny hijacking the plane, possession of imitation weapons, ...

  • Malta

    The rise of vandalism and graffiti in St Paul’s Bay area raises concerns on integration

    Recent incidents of vandalism show that the government needs to create a national action plan dedicated to the integration of migrants into Maltese communities in order to bridge the cultural and linguistic gaps, St Paul’s Bay Mayor Graziella Galea told The Malta Independent.Ms Galea was responding to questions regarding the ...

  • USA Malta Myanmar

    Knights of Malta refuse to assist 'irrelevant' papal probe

    The Knights of Malta, the ancient Catholic lay order, is refusing to cooperate with a Vatican investigation into the sacking of a top official over a condom scandal — and is warning its members to toe the line if they choose to speak with investigators.In a statement, the Knights called ...

  • Malta

    Editorial - Drunk driving: New road rules being debated not a day too soon

    Parliament has, at long last, begun debating the traffic reform measures, which, most importantly, include a reduction in the legal limit for drunk driving, that were first unveiled last October.  And that debate has come not a day to soon.For far too long the country’s drivers have been subject to ...

  • Malta

    Government unable to comment on why tenants fail to request lower tariff rate from landlord

    A spokesperson for No Portfolio Minister Konrad Mizzi said that ARMS ltd “is not privy to discussions between individual tenants and landlords....and is thus unable to comment on any reason why tenants would not request landlords to consent to the change in tariff”.As of January, tenants will no longer require ...