• Cina USA

    Sinosphere: U.S. Ambassadors in Asia Make Final Plea for Dead Trans-Pacific Trade Pact

    Max Baucus, the ambassador to China, and five others told Congress in an open letter that the United States should not cede its position in Asia-Pacific trade to China.

  • Cina

    Cadillac Sees Double-Digit Sales Growth in China This Year

    The General Motors brand expects sales in China to continue growing at a double-digit rate.

  • Nigeria

    Economic summit: Osinbajo leads Nigerian delegation to Davos

    Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo on Tuesday left Nigeria as the head of Nigeria’s delegation to the World Economic Forum holding in Davos, Switzerland this week. According to a statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Laolu Akande, the Nigerian delegation to the summit included ...

  • Cina

    Davos: No point blaming economic globalisation for world’s problems, says Xi

    Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that there is “no point” in blaming economic globalisation for the world’s problems. The leader of the world’s second largest economy made the comment at the World Economic Forum, where he is making his first appearance as China seeks to play a greater role ...

  • USA

    Korean women paid to have babies

    South Korean women are getting incentives from the government to have babies as the country struggles to overcome its low birth rate, reports Yonhap Kang Mi-ok received 2 million won (US$1,700) from a rural county in central South Korea in August. The money was meant to promote the birth of ...

  • Cina

    Davos: No one will win trade war, says China’s Xi Jinping

    Chinese President Xi Jinping presented himself as a champion of globalisation Tuesday, lecturing the world elite in Davos on the dangers of protectionism and the futility of trade wars The leader of the world’s second largest economy became the first Chinese president to address the World Economic Forum, where 3,000 ...

  • Nigeria

    How Saraki funded undeclared foreign accounts – Banker

    Ade Adesomoju, Abuja The Head of the Funds Transfer Unit of the Guaranty Trust Bank, Mr. Amazi Nwachuckwu, appeared before the Code of Conduct Tribunal on Tuesday, giving details of how the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki, funded his offshore accounts between 2009 and and 2012. Nwachukwu, who had within ...

  • Regno Unito

    Theresa May ha illustrato la sua strategia sulla Brexit.

    Theresa May ha illustrato la sua strategia sulla Brexit. Articolando la sua visione in dodici punti principali May ha parlato di leggi, di mercato, di immigrazione, chiarendo che con i partner europei si cercherà sempre un rapporto privilegiato, ma che prima di ogni altra cosa ci sono gli interessi del ...

  • USA Venezuela

    Tre nuove banconote entrano in circolazione in Venezuela

    Tre nuove banconote entrano in circolazione in Venezuela. Si tratta di biglietti che valgono 500, 5.000 e 20.000 bolívar e servono soprattutto a tenere il passo galoppante dell’inflazione venezuelana. Il Fondo monetario internazionale ha stimato infatti che l’inflazione del Venezuela nel 2017 raggiungerà il 2.200 per cento.

  • Regno Unito

    La premier britannica Theresa May esporrà il suo programma per la Brexit.

    La premier britannica Theresa May esporrà il suo programma per la Brexit. Alle 12.45 (ora italiana) Theresa May terrà un discorso in cui esporrà a grandi linee il programma per l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. Grandi le aspettative dei mezzi d’informazione britannici per l’intervento della premier. In alcune anticipazioni ...