African leaders in New York to discuss partnership with US

    NEW YORK- About forty African heads of State and ministers are participating Wednesday in New York in the second United States-Africa Business Forum, to discuss prospects for the US-African partnership. Minister of Industry and Mining Abdesselam Bouchouareb is taking part in the meeting, which aims at building new partnerships ...

  • USA

    Nearly US$14 bln in trade deficit in first 8 months

    ALGIERS- Algeria's trade balance deficit hit US$13.997 billion in the first eight months of 2016, against US$11.06 billion during the same period in 2015, down by 26.5%, the Algerian Customs' National Centre of Data Processing and Statistics (CNIS) told APS Wednesday. Exports dropped to US$17.56 billion between early January ...

  • USA

    Bouchouareb to partake Friday, in New York, in meeting on investment in Algeria

    NEW YORK- Minister of Industry and Mines Abdesselam Bouchouareb will partake Friday, in New York, in a meeting on investment opportunities in Algeria, organized by the Business Council for International Understanding (BCUI). The minister will speak in a lunch debate to set out the attractiveness factors of Algeria and ...

  • USA

    Messahel partakes in GCTF ministerial plenary meeting

    ALGIERS- Minister of Maghreb Affairs, African Union and Arab League Abdelkader Messahel participated, Wednesday in New York, in the seventh Ministerial Plenary Meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), of which Algeria is a founding member, said the Foreign Ministry in a communiqué. The minister seized this opportunity to ...

  • USA

    Lamamra, Zuma underscore "need" for strengthening AU's role within UN

    ALGIERS-Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra and Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AU) Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma underscored Tuesday in New York "the need" for strengthening the role, action and presence of the Organization within the United Nations. "Lamamra and Zuma discussed elections in ...

  • USA

    Lamamra holds talks with president of 71st session of UN General Assembly

    ALGIERS- Peace and Security in Africa as well as the role that might be played by the United Nations General Assembly in supporting and strengthening African countries' efforts in the field, was at the centre of the discussions, held Tuesday in New York, between Minister of State, Minister of ...

  • Algeria

    Women’s rights promotion in Algeria: EU hails “major advance”

    BRUSSELS-The European Union (EU) hailed “the major advance” achieved by Algeria in terms of promotion of women’s rights after the adoption, in 2015, of a new law criminalizing violence against women. “The adoption of this law constitutes a major advance in terms of gender equality after several months of ...

  • Ecuador

    ONU: Propuesta contra uso de paraísos fiscales gana fuerza

    Una propuesta de Ecuador para condenar el uso de paraísos fiscales con el fin de evadir impuestos está ganando fuerza en Naciones Unidas, donde varios exponentes hicieron hincapié el miércoles en la necesidad de que el organismo internacional se ponga a la cabeza de la lucha contra ese fenómeno.

  • Brasile

    Propostas de mudança nas leis trabalhistas devem ser feitas só em 2017

    Prioridade, no momento, é resolver a questão do déficit fiscal, afirma o ministro do Trabalho, Ronaldo  Nogueira      Arquivo/Agência  Brasil O ministro do Trabalho, Ronaldo Nogueira, informou hoje (21) que o governo só deve enviar a proposta de reforma na legislação trabalhista ao Congresso Nacional no segundo semestre do ano que ...

  • Brasile

    Representantes do setor automotivo pedem renovação da frota a ministro

    O ministro da Indústria, Comércio Exterior e Serviços, Marcos Pereira, reuniu-se hoje (21) com representantes da indústria e dos trabalhadores do setor automotivo. O grupo, formado por 19 entidades representativas, entregou ao ministro a proposta do Programa de Sustentabilidade Veicular, que prevê a renovação da frota e o incentivo à ...