• Nigeria

    We’ll get economy right, Buhari tells Nigerians

    President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday attributed the economic recession partly to the global downturn and the failure of past governments to save for the rainy day. He made the remark in his Eid-El-Kabir message to Nigerians. The President, however, said his administration was committed to reflating the economy and improving the standard of ...

  • Nigeria

    Economy of Lagos and the creative industry, by Steve Ayorinde

    When it was the turn of the leader of the Lagos State delegation to speak, his speech captured the essence of Nigeria’s representation at the festival. He said: “I bring you good tidings from Lagos State and particularly from the governor of Lagos State, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode. Lagos, as you ...

  • Nigeria

    Govt, stakeholders mull tax incentives for stock market

    Ministries,  agencies,  regulators and  stakeholders have launched a scheme to review the tax structure in the capital market – to encourage companies enlist on the stock market. The discussion is targetted at the stock market includes the Ministry of Finance, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ...

  • Russia Turchia

    Russia to sign Turkish Stream deal in October

    Russia plans to sign an agreement with Turkey next month on the implementation of the Turkish Stream gas export pipeline project, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak was quoted as saying on Sept. 10

  • Paraguay

    Firma cobrará USD 134 millones por tráfico en APP de rutas 2 y 7

    Si el consorcio integrado por Sacyr (España), Mota Engil (Portugal) y Ocho A (Paraguay) gana la licitación para duplicar las rutas 2 y 7, que se ejecutará vía alianza público privada, percibirá unos USD 134 millones por la cantidad de vehículos que circulen por las dos vías nacionales (pago por ...

  • USA

    US marks 15th anniversary of 9/11 Al-Qaeda terror attacks

    The names of the dead will be read out in a remembrance service at Ground Zero in New York on the site of the rebuilt World Trade Centre.

  • Portogallo

    Venda do Novo Banco fica à espera do BCP e do BPI

    Banco de Portugal quer pressão competitiva pelo Novo Banco. Mas há avaliações negativas entre as propostas. Banco vai vendendo ativos

  • Francia

    Le SG de l’OPEP plaide pour un marché stable

    Pour le ministre algérien de l’Energie, Noureddine Boutarfa, la prochaine réunion informelle de l’OPEP, qui doit se tenir le 27 septembre à Alger, a toutes les chances de réussir. Nouvellement nommé à la tête de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP), le Nigérian Mohammed Barkindo a plaidé, vendredi dernier ...

  • Francia Belgio


    - Transactions financières La Commission européenne s’est dit hier résolue à faire avancer «d’ici la fin de l’année» les discussions en cours avec dix pays de l’UE favorables à une taxe sur les transactions  financières (TTF), un vieux débat menacé de s’enliser. Le ministre autrichien des Finances, Hans Schelling, qui préside ...

  • Argentina

    Construir una economía verde para la Argentina
