• Nigeria

    Recession: APC spokesperson backs NASS on tough recommendations for Buhari

    …berates PDP calling for President’s resignation Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Timi Frank, Thursday drummed support for Senate President, Bukola Saraki, over his decision to influence the National Assembly to make recommendations that would help salvage the nation’s economy for President Muhammadu Buhari. In a release he made available to journalists in Abuja, Frank said actions from the much-awaited ...

  • USA

    Three-hit wonder

    Hack with a future FEW feel as conflicted about the internet’s descent into glib, 140-character tweets as Evan Williams. As a co-founder of Twitter, he has profited handsomely from the social-media firm’s rise and remains its largest shareholder. Yet now his main project is to ensure that serious-minded, long-form prose will ...

  • Russia Turchia Venezuela

    Risky business

    MULTINATIONAL companies have always paid careful attention to political risk in the developing world. No surprise there, given the risk premium attached to investment in emerging markets. Western businesses turn for advice to consultancies that keep a watchful eye on alarming developments in far-flung places. There is booming demand for ...

  • Venezuela

    Stay or go

    EIRA, a 38-year-old Venezuelan, used to like shopping. Now she stands beside barren shelves in a Caracas supermarket. The average Venezuelan spends 35 hours each month queuing for food. This supermarket’s few products include Kellogg’s Zucaritas, its muscular tiger cartoon strangely pallid in hue—supposedly to make the packaging more eco-friendly ...

  • USA

    Why giants thrive

    ACROSS NORTHERN CALIFORNIA the world’s best-known tech companies are engaged in a construction contest. Facebook got off to an early start with a building of 430,000 square feet (40,000 square metres) that looks like a giant warehouse. It is said to be the largest open-plan office building in the world. ...

  • USA

    What goes around

    ALFRED CHANDLER, AMERICA’S leading business historian, once summed up the history of American business after the civil war as “ten years of competition and 90 years of oligopoly”. American business history has been defined by periods of intense competition followed by long periods of consolidation. The digital revolution is likely ...

  • USA

    A delicate balance

    ARTHUR SCHLESINGER, A historian, claimed that American history moves in 30-year cycles, with each period responding to the excesses of the previous one. The laissez-faire Gilded Age that ended around 1900 led to the progressive era, when government stepped in to regulate business and create a social safety net. That ...

  • USA Albania

    The rise of the superstars

    ON AUGUST 31ST 1910 Theodore Roosevelt delivered a fiery speech in Osawatomie, Kansas. The former president celebrated America’s extraordinary new commercial power but also gave warning that America’s industrial economy had been taken over by a handful of corporate giants that were generating unparalleled wealth for a small number of ...

  • Myanmar

    Obama’s Move to End Myanmar Sanctions Promises a Lift for Its Economy

    The decision could fuel the growth of smaller businesses in the Southeast Asian country, even as individuals and companies currently blacklisted also prosper.

  • USA

    California Moves to Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Buy Insurance

    Officials say that up to 30 percent of the state’s two million undocumented adults could be eligible for the program, which could face serious hurdles as it seeks federal approval.