• Uruguay

    ¿Cuántas leyes contra el aborto caben en una letrina?

    A principios de la semana pasada, Canal Doce transmitió una nota sobre María Teresa Rivera, una mujer de poco más[...]

  • Ghana

    Parliament passes Banks and Special Deposit Taking Bill

    Parliament has passed the Banks and Special Deposit Taking Institutions Bill. The law, among others is to amend and consolidate the laws relating to deposit taking and to regulate institutions which carry out deposit taking business. It also re-emphasizes the authority of the Bank of Ghana as the only entity ...

  • Regno Unito

    Cameron bows out as UK prime minister

    David Cameron said being prime minister had been “the greatest honour” of his life as he prepared to formally resign. Flanked by his wife and children in Downing Street, he said the UK was “much stronger” than when he took over. He then went to Buckingham Palace to tender his ...

  • Brasile

    Faturamento das indústrias de material de construção cai 10,8%

    Em junho, vendas de material de construção caíram 3,7% em relação às de maio Arquivo/Agência Brasil O mês de junho deste ano teve queda de 10,8% no faturamento das indústrias de material de construção na comparação com o mesmo mês do ano passado. Segundo a Associação Brasileira da Indústria dos ...

  • Brasile

    Tesouro diz que não há espaço para mais ajuda a estados e municípios

    A secretária do Tesouro Nacional, Ana Paula Vescovi, afirmou que a meta fiscal será cumprida tanto neste ano quanto em 2017. Para 2016, a meta de déficit primário é de até R$ 163,9 bilhões nas contas públicasValter Campanato/Agência Brasil O governo não tem espaço fiscal para dar mais ajuda a ...

  • USA Kazakistan Pakistan

    Locust infestation hits Afghanistan’s most food insecure province

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, PakistanA locust infestation is expected to halve the harvest of Dawlatyar district in Ghor. The majority of families there rely on rain-fed agriculture land and their primary source of staple food is from their own crops. HIGHLIGHTS • One third ...

  • Egitto Giordania

    UN calls for end to indiscriminate attacks on civilians in Aleppo and respect for humanitarian law

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Syrian Arab Republic Country: Syrian Arab RepublicThe UN and partners in east Aleppo have enough food supplies for 145,000 people for one month, and are urgently working on a response to meet increasing needs. Statement is attributable to Yacoub ...

  • Kenya

    Africa: Young Entrepreneurs Compete in Africa

    [Daily News] Ten young entrepreneurs representing five countries, Tanzania among them, have entered into final round of the highly competitive Africa Business Idea Cup (ABIC) for 2016. Other countries having representatives in the final include Kenya, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

  • Oman

    Oman - Domestic Workers Trafficked, Trapped

    [HRW] Beirut -Many migrant domestic workers are trapped in abusive employment in Oman, their plight hidden behind closed doors, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Omani authorities should take immediate steps to reform the restrictive immigration system that binds migrant workers to their employers, provide domestic workers ...

  • Etiopia

    Lack of Legal Framework Deters Joint Ventures

    [Addis Fortune] The Addis Abeba Chamber of Commerce hosted a forum under the theme "Challenges and Prospects of pursuing business on joint venture arrangement".