• Portogallo

    Parque eólico offshore vai "nascer" ao largo de Viana do Castelo

    A fase de testes, que decorreu durante cinco anos no mar, está concluída

  • Portogallo

    Estofos feitos em Portugal recebem prémio da Volkswagen

    Coindu fabrica é especialista no fabrica de estofos e emprega 4 mil trabalhadores

  • Thailandia

    Huawei steps up marketing in Thailand

    Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei Technologies has earmarked a bigger budget to build brand awareness of its smartphones this year with the aim of boosting its Thai market share from 2% last year to 15% in 2017.

  • Ghana

    Anglogold Ashanti defends dragging Ghana to international arbitration centre

    Mining giant AngloGold Ashanti has justified dragging Ghana to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), following the country’s inability to restore law and order at the Obuasi mine which has been taken over by galamsey operators. The mining firm argues the takeover of its Obuasi mine by ...

  • Ghana

    Military obtains license to operate Savings & Loans company

    The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has finally given the military the go ahead to operate a savings and loans company. The company is to be called Services Integrity Savings and Loans Company (SIS&L). The Bank of Ghana last year confirmed to Citi Business News, it is was only processing a ...

  • India

    Economy to more than double to $5 tn in few years: FM

    He said with India's GDP poised to grow at fast pace, for every few years they will add $1 trillion to our economy

  • Cina USA

    Bending, not breaking

    AS CASH poured out of China at the start of this year, hedge funds lined up to bet against the yuan. Many thought it only a matter of time before the government ran down its foreign-exchange reserves, forcing a big depreciation. Publicly, Chinese officials scoffed. “Declare currency war against China? ...

  • USA

    Working hard for the money

    ECONOMIC growth stems from two main sources: putting more people to work or enabling workers to operate more efficiently (ie, better productivity). With the workforce in many developed economies likely to stagnate or decline in the next two decades as the baby-boomer generation retires, a lot is riding on improvements ...

  • USA

    Crowded skies

    EIGHTEEN months of relatively low oil prices have helped many parts of the aviation industry. Cheaper jet fuel has contributed to record profits at airlines in America; the world’s biggest planemakers, Airbus and Boeing, have compiled fat order books thanks to growing demand for air travel. But one part of ...

  • Cina


    BITCOIN is back. Fans (and holders) of the crypto-currency were celebrating after its price jumped more than 20% in the five days to May 31st, to nearly $550—a level it last reached in August 2014. They should contain their elation: the factors driving the rally are not unalloyed positives, and ...