• Francia


    ■ Climat: Mobilisation tous azimuts Sept organisations représentant plus de 400 fonds d’investissement demandent aux Etats et institutions membres du G20, ainsi qu’à la Suisse et aux Pays-Bas, de signer et adhérer dès que possible à l’Accord de Paris sur le climat issu de la COP21. La cérémonie de signature ...

  • Giappone

    Perquisizione nella sede della Mitsubishi.

    Perquisizione nella sede della Mitsubishi. L’ispezione è stata ordinata dal ministero dei trasporti giapponese. Il 20 aprile la casa automobilistica ha ammesso di aver manipolato i test sui consumi di carburante di 625mila minicar vendute sul mercato interno dal 2013. Alla borsa di Tokyo il titolo Mitsubishi Motors ha perso ...

  • Ecuador

    Il presidente dell’Ecuador vuole tassare i milionari per finanziare la ricostruzione.

    Il presidente dell’Ecuador vuole tassare i milionari per finanziare la ricostruzione. Dopo i due terremoti che hanno causato 570 morti, Rafael Correa ha annunciato una serie di misure per raccogliere i tre miliardi di dollari necessari a ricostruire il paese. Tra queste, Correa vuole aumentare l’iva dal 12 al 14 ...

  • Panama


    “In un sistema sociale sano, i Panama papers avrebbero dovuto rappresentare un punto di svolta”, ha commentato Fredrik deBoer su Foreign Policy, invece per molti “è stato come sentirsi dire dai genitori che Babbo Natale non esiste: la conferma di un sospetto covato da tempo”. Ogni nuovo scandalo che passa ...

  • Giappone

    Applications for jobless aid in U.S. in first quarter fall to four-decade low

    The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell to a four-decade low last week, a sign that employers are unconcerned about weak economic growth in the first three months of 2016. The numbers: Weekly applications for jobless benefits declined to a seasonally adjusted 247,000, the lowest reading since November 1973, ...

  • Giappone

    Sony cuts 2015 group profit estimate by 9.4% on write-down of camera module unit

    Sony Corp. said Thursday it has cut its group operating profit estimate for fiscal 2015 by 9.4 percent to ¥290 billion as it booked an impairment charge for the business that makes camera modules used in smartphones. Given an expected decrease in demand for the parts amid globally slowing growth ...

  • Giappone

    SoftBank slams unidentified group’s bid to unseat founder’s heir apparent Arora

    Japanese mobile giant SoftBank on Thursday hit back at a bid by a group of investors to unseat the former Google executive seen as heir apparent to its billionaire founder, Masayoshi Son. The company slammed the “unsubstantiated allegations” leveled at its president, Nikesh Arora, whom the investors said should be ...

  • Cina Giappone

    Business sentiment down but recovery OK: Cabinet Office

    The government retained on Thursday its assessment of the economy because it is recovering moderately despite recent weakness. However, it slashed its view on corporate sentiment amid a firming yen and the slowdown in China. But it warned about the impact of the powerful earthquakes that struck southwestern Japan last ...

  • Giappone

    Dentsu plans roadside ads that change according to driver’s vehicle

    In an experiment, advertising giant Dentsu Inc. plans to bring so-called targeted advertising, an increasingly popular sales method in cyberspace, into the physical world. Dentsu’s team, with support from chipmaker Intel Corp. and three other information technology companies, will start running outdoor digital ads as early as June that collect ...

  • Giappone

    Japan Post opens huge mall in Fukuoka

    Japan Post Co. on Thursday opened a large commercial center in a prime location in Fukuoka in a bid to capitalize on a national tourism boom. The KITTE Hakata retail and restaurant facility is located on an old post office site in front of JR Hakata Station. Japan Post, a ...