• Giappone

    Tokyo stocks fall back in thin trading

    Stocks suffered a mild setback in thin trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Wednesday, giving up their early gains on profit-taking. The 225-issue Nikkei average shed 47.57 points, or 0.28 percent, to end at 17,000.98. On Tuesday, the key market gauge gained 323.74 points. The Topix index of all ...

  • Brasile Argentina

    En la última sesión de la semana el dólar bajó 8 centésimos

    El dólar interbancario promedio bajó levemente 0,02%, registrando así la quinta caída consecutiva, en un mercado con muy pocos negocios. En Argentina y Brasil el billete verde aumentó frente a las monedas locales.

  • Marocco

    Meknès veut booster ses investissements

    Abdallah Bouano et Abdeljabbar El Achab annoncent un mariage de raison. Le maire (PJD) de Meknès et le nouveau président de l’Union régionale Meknès-Ifrane de la Confédération générale des entreprises du Maroc (CGEM) ont signé, la semaine dernière, une convention pour appuyer la promotion des investissements dans la capitale ...

  • Myanmar

    Myanmar investors swot up for new bourse

    YANGON - Inside the graceful halls of Myanmar's first modern bourse business leaders crowd into a crash course on sharetrading, as the former junta-run country takes another leap towards economic revitalisation.

  • UAE's Waha Capital rules out Dunia Finance stake sale for now

    Abu Dhabi investment firm says it has no current plans to sell interest in consumer finance firm Dunia

  • Cina

    Yum talks to KKR over China unit stake

    US fast-food operator may sell up to 19.9% in business being spun off later this year

  • Argentina Bolivia

    Macri destaca "liderazgo" de Obama y pide profundizar comercio bilateral - El Nuevo Diario

    El presidente argentino, Mauricio Macri, destacó hoy el "liderazgo inspirador" de Barack Obama tras la llegada del mandatario estadounidense al país suramericano y la reunión que ambos mantuvieron en la Casa Rosada. "Usted emergió proponiendo grandes cambios y demostró que era posible", dijo Macri en la conferencia de prensa que ambos ...

  • Bolivia

    Evo Morales anuncia que demandará a Chile - El Nuevo Diario

    El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, anunció hoy que demandará a Chile ante "instancias internacionales competentes" por el "uso y aprovechamiento unilateral e ilícito" de las aguas de los manantiales del Silala, en el suroeste boliviano. "Cada día Chile se aprovecha ilegal y arteramente de ese recurso natural sin compensar ni ...

  • India

    A tarnished appeal

    Bonds are no substitute A SMALL room on the eighth floor of Mumbai’s former cotton exchange is where jewellery goes to die. At the Master Bullion Assaying & Hallmarking Lab in the heart of the gold district, superheated crucibles melt elaborate bangles and earrings into bars a central banker might recognise. ...

  • Brasile Kenya

    A bitter harvest

    COFFEE was once Kenya’s biggest foreign-exchange earner, but these days the industry looks less perky. The country’s record, 127,000-tonne crop was all the way back in the 1987-88 season. Output plunged by 40% the following year, after the global coffee cartel axed its quotas, exposing the industry to competition. It ...