• Giappone

    Theme park rapped for embedding fish in skating rink to close in 2017

    An amusement park in Fukuoka Prefecture that sparked a flood of criticism for inserting thousands of frozen fish into its ice skating rink said Friday it will close next year. Space World in Kitakyushu closed the rink last month after people complained about the attraction, in which around 5,000 fish ...

  • Giappone Corea del Sud

    Poverty turns Seoul seniors into subway couriers

    Cho Yong-moon, 75, spends nine hours a day, five days a week using his free pass on the Seoul subway to shuttle parcels among clothing and jewelry stores. With pension payments falling short of living costs for many of the elderly, he is among a growing number of senior citizens ...

  • Giappone Iran

    Iran’s Revolutionary Guard faces problems as economy opens

    Iran’s Revolutionary Guard faces a new enemy: the gradual opening of the country’s economy after the nuclear deal with world powers. Known for its hard-line fervor as an elite force created to defend Iran’s cleric-led system, the Guard also holds vast business interests — some public and others hidden across ...

  • Belgio

    "Affaire Francken, Kazakhgate...Indéniablement, les juges détiennent des pouvoirs politiques"

    Jolie fin d'année politique, en Belgique. Le Kazakhgate et l'affaire du visa refusé à une famille syrienne révèlent la cohabitation singulière entre les différents pouvoirs. Les soupçons de relations incestueuses consentantes par toutes les parties en présence, dans le premier cas. Les accusations d'intrusions par effraction dans la chambre à ...

  • Brasile

    PM é preso por estupro após atacar jovem em trem da CPTM

    O policial militar Eduardo Ferreira Gomes, de 37 anos, foi preso em flagrante por crime de estupro contra uma jovem dentro uma composição da Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) nesta quinta-feira (15/12). O homem chegou a ser agredido por populares antes da chegada da polícia, que o deteve. Leia mais ...

  • Taiwan

    Second volume of Valletta FC’s official history launched

    The second volume of the history of Valletta FC was launched during a conference call at the club’s premises yesterday evening. “City! The official history of football in Valletta Volume Two” highlights the achievements of the club from 1963 up to 2014 in more than 660 pages of information, statistics and ...

  • USA

    Study ties pubic hair grooming to sexually transmitted infections

    Before scheduling a bikini wax, or shaving down there, consider the results of a new study. Men and women who trimmed or removed their pubic hair were nearly twice as likely to report having had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) compared with non-groomers, researchers found after adjusting for age and number ...

  • Malta

    Government lauds IMF report on Malta economy

    The government has lauded a glowing economic report on Malta drawn up by the International Monetary Fund, saying it was the result of well-planned policies. The IMF report revised the 2016 economic growth in Malta from 3.5 per cent in January to four per cent. Likewise, the deficit forecast has been ...

  • Turchia

    Car bomb attack kills 13 soldiers, wounds 48 in Turkey

    Updated 10.05am with details and video Thirteen soldiers were killed and 48 more were injured when a car bomb hit a bus transporting off-duty military personnel in the central Turkish city of Kayseri this morning, one week after a similar attack targeted police outside an Istanbul stadium. The blast is likely to ...

  • Malta

    Index’s positive rally continues

    The Malta Stock Exchange index was on the rise for the third consecutive week having increased by 0.9 per cent, to close at 4,506.009 points. The sovereign bond market also performed positively as a good number of issues recouped some of the recent losses. On the contrary, corporate bond performances were mixed ...