• India

    Tanzania: Invest in Tanzania Agriculture, India Businesses Urged

    [Citizen] Dar es Salaam -Indian business executives have been urged to invest in Tanzania's agriculture.

  • India

    Tanzania: Dar, Delhi Business Tie Set to Deepen

    [Daily News] Tanzania and India economic ties are set to see sharp growth under Dr John Magufuli presidency. The High Commissioner of India to Tanzania, Mr Sundeep Arya, made the statement in Dar es Salaam yesterday when officiating at the Promotion Programme for India Food Products in the country.

  • Camerun

    Quattro morti nelle proteste della minoranza anglofona del Camerun.

    Quattro morti nelle proteste della minoranza anglofona del Camerun. Le manifestazioni della minoranza di lingua inglese sono cominciate un mese fa con le proteste di un gruppo di avvocati contro l’uso del francese nei tribunali, poi si sono diffuse nelle scuole e nelle università. La settimana scorsa le forze di ...

  • USA Arabia Saudita Yemen

    Gli Stati Uniti riducono la vendita di armi all’Arabia Saudita.

    Gli Stati Uniti riducono la vendita di armi all’Arabia Saudita. Non saranno più vendute al paese arabo le bombe guidate, ha dichiarato un ufficiale del Pentagono. L’amministrazione Obama si è detta preoccupata per l’uso di queste armi nei bombardamenti contro i civili nello Yemen, dove una coalizione guidata dai sauditi ...

  • Filippine

    Philippine official says President Duterte 'exaggerating' over killings

    The Philippine justice secretary says President Rodrigo Duterte often exaggerates killings of criminals he supposedly carried out in order to send a chilling warning to lawbreakers. Vitaliano Aguirre II told reporters that Mr Duterte may have been resorting to hyperbole when he suggested in a recent speech that he used to ...

  • USA

    Stricter limits for five main pollutants in Europe set

    The National Emissions Ceilings (NEC) Directive was today signed into law by the European Parliament and the European Council. The directive is based on a Commission proposal that sets stricter limits on the five main pollutants in Europe. It will enter into force on December 31. When fully implemented, it will reduce ...

  • Malta

    Transport Malta official cleared of illegally issuing licences

    A customer care official at Transport Malta (formerly the ADT) has been acquitted on appeal of having, as a public officer, contrived with another employee to issue driving licences to four individuals through the use of false declarations. John Schembri, 49, was accused of having assisted four individuals to obtain driving ...

  • Malta

    Busuttil backs petition against large Lija development

    Opposition leader Simon Busuttil is backing a petition against the building of apartments in a six-storey block that will ruin part of Lija, the Nationalist Party said today. The locality's local council is campaigning against the granting of a permit for the development, which, the PN said, could come about because ...

  • Malta

    Various equities trend higher

    The marginal decline in the share index that took place on Monday was short-lived as the local equity benchmark moved back into positive territory today with an increase of 0.6% to 4,533.344 points as various equities trended higher. Amongst the large equities by market capitalisation, International Hotel Investments plc shares rebounded ...

  • USA

    Bill Cosby 'used fame to gain trust of women before knocking them out to sexually assault them'

    Bill Cosby used his fame to gain the trust of women before knocking them out with pills and drinks so he could sexually assault them, prosecutors argued Tuesday as they sought to persuade a judge to allow 13 of his accusers to testify in his upcoming sexual assault trial.Montgomery County ...