• Nigeria

    Don urges FG to revisit power sector privatisation

    Prof. Park Idisi, a lecturer, Department of Agriculture, University of Abuja, has urged the Federal Government to revisit all sectors privatised to local and foreign companies. Idisi told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Abuja that this should be done to ensure that companies that bought the sectors ...

  • Francia

    New York Times: fonte des bénéfices, chute de la publicité papier

    Le groupe New York Times a vu ses   bénéfices s'évaporer au troisième trimestre 2016 à cause notamment d'une chute   prononcée de ses revenus publicitaires dans les produits papier, selon des   résultats publiés mercredi. Le bénéfice du groupe propriétaire du prestigieux quotidien éponyme a fondu   de 96% à 406.000 dollars, au ...

  • USA Australia

    Algeria, Australia hold political consultations in Algiers

    ALGIERS- General Secretary of Foreign Ministry Hassane Rabehi held talks on Wednesday in Algiers with Deputy Secretary of Australia’s Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ric Wells, as part of the political consultations between the two countries. "There were very positive consultations which have allowed us to discuss the bilateral relations ...

  • Cina

    Alibaba Earnings Show It Again Defying China’s Slowdown

    Advertising helped the e-commerce company overcome slowing sales growth on its platforms, but it still posted losses in newer, growth-oriented businesses.

  • Cina

    Leonardo-Finmeccanica fornirà alla Cina 4 radar di controllo del traffico aereo

    (Teleborsa) - Leonardo ? Finmeccanica si è aggiudicata un contratto in Cina con la National Instruments Import and Export Corporation (Instrimpex), per quattro radar di controllo del...

  • Panama

    El IMA comprará arroz de Chepo y Darién

    En la región de Panamá este, 180 productores cultivan 21 mil hectáreas de arroz, 5 mil hectáreas más que las sembradas en el año agrícola 2015-2016. De las 21 mil hectáreas solo se ha podido cosechar un 5% por las condiciones climáticas adversas y la falta de infraestructuras para almacenar ...

  • USA Malta

    EU needs to be less rigid, more business-friendly, employers tell PM

    Employer organisations advocated a less rigid and more business-friendly EU, during a meeting with the Prime Minister ahead of Malta's EU presidency. Addressing existing single market fragmentations should be the underlining priority for the Maltese EU presidency, according to Maltese employers. Businesses are still facing difficulties to sell cross-border due to member ...

  • Malta

    Modifications of public contracts

    Public contracts are the end-result of a public procurement process undertaken by contracting authorities to purchase supplies or services in various sectors such as energy, transport, health and education. Public authorities of the EU members spend a significant percentage of the GDP on the purchase of services and supplies. Public procurement is ...

  • Cina

    Germany’s Gabriel begins China tour with ‘good’ talks

    German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel met China’s Trade Minister for talks in “a very good atmosphere” yesterday, his deputy said, on the first day of a trip to Beijing marked by tensions over corporate takeovers. Prior to his trip with 60 business executives from Germany, Gabriel ratcheted up tensions with Beijing ...

  • USA

    Car repossessions show dark side of sales boom

    US auto loan market has grown from $750bn in 2011 to $1.1tn at the end of June