• USA Nigeria

    Trump shocks the world

    Shock swept through the world yesterday after the unexpected election of Republican Donald Trump as United States’ 45th President. Bolaji Akinyemi, a professor of political science, described Mr. Trump’s victory as a worrisome development and “a victory of the ugly side of the U.S.” Prof.  Akinyemi, a former Minister of Foreign ...

  • Nigeria Regno Unito

    Markets slump after Trump victory

    United Kingdom (UK) and European markets were taking stock yesterday after sharp initial falls following Donald Trump’s victory. The FTSE 100 index fell 2% at the start of trading before paring back some losses to trade 0.7% lower at midday. Other major European stock markets also fell, with money flowing ...

  • USA Nigeria

    Nigerian equities slump further over US poll outcome

    Nigerian equities lost N66 billion yesterday amidst global anxieties over possible dramatic changes in the global economy with the emergence of Republican Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America (USA). Against all the odds and the wagers of the bookmakers, billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump ...

  • USA Giappone

    Japan Inc. trying to assess ‘surprise’ Trump win, hoping protectionism isn’t next

    Japanese business leaders on Wednesday sought to assess the economic impact of the victory of Republican Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential election. Sadayuki Sakakibara, chairman of Keidanren, said Trump’s victory came amid hopes of change among the people of the United States. Sakakibara expressed hope that Trump, an experienced ...

  • Giappone

    Japan Display to ax over 4,700 after April-September losses surged

    Japan Display Inc. said Wednesday it will cut more than 4,700 jobs, or 30 percent of its total workforce, as it logged a bigger group net loss in the first half through September. The maker of liquid crystal display panels for smartphones and tablet computers posted a group net loss ...

  • Giappone

    GM to lay off over 2,000 at Michigan, Ohio car plants amid SUV sales surge

    Shifting demand from cars to trucks and SUVS is forcing General Motors to lay off more than 2,000 workers indefinitely at two assembly plants, in Ohio and Michigan, starting in January. The company said Wednesday it will suspend the third shifts at factories in Lordstown, Ohio, and in Lansing, Michigan, ...

  • USA

    Les importations de véhicules ont baissé de 63 % en 2016

    Le contingent initial d'importation des véhicules avait été fixé à 152.000 unités pour l'année 2016 avant d'être réduit à 83.000 unités pour une valeur de moins d'un (1) milliard de dollars. Mais en répondant aux recours introduits par des opérateurs, la commission a avalisé l'augmentation du contingent de 15.374 unités ...

  • USA Francia

    Trump win ‘opens period of uncertainty’, says France’s Hollande

    French President Francois Hollande, who once said Donald Trump made him want to retch, warned Wednesday that the Republican billionaire’s stunning victory in the US election “opens a period of uncertainty.” In a televised address, Hollande underlined that the United States was a key partner for business, for solving wars ...

  • USA

    EU foreign ministers to meet Sunday after Trump election –Germany

    EU foreign ministers will hold a special meeting Sunday following Donald Trump’s win in the US presidential election, a German diplomat said Wednesday. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier “welcomes that an EU foreign ministers’ meeting will take place Sunday,” said a ministry source. The talks will be held in Brussels, ...

  • USA Etiopia

    Trump thanks US Secret Service, Law Enforcement after declaring US Election victory

    Donald Trump has thanked US secret service staff and law enforcement for their help as he was speaking to his supporters after declaring victory in the US presidential elections. “They are fantastic people, so I want to thank the secret service… And law enforcement in New York City … these ...