• Egitto

    IMF approves $12 bn loan to Egypt

    The International Monetary Fund on Friday approved a three-year, $12 billion loan for Egypt to help the country recover from its economic crisis amid soaring inflation and deficits. The IMF executive board said it would release $2.75 billion to Egypt immediately, while further disbursements will depend on the country’s economic ...

  • Nigeria

    Naira gains against dollar

    The Naira on Friday strengthened against the dollar in all segments of the foreign exchange market. At the interbank market, the currency gained N1.45 to close at N304.75 from N306.50 recorded on Thursday. At the Bureau De Change window, naira exchanged at N385/400 to a dollar, Central Bank of Nigeria ...

  • Svizzera Panama Malta

    L'appel de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge pour Haïti passe à 28,6 millions de dollars

    Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies Country: HaitiAu vu de l’ampleur des ravages causés par l’ouragan Matthew, l'appel de fonds pour aider la Croix-Rouge haïtienne a été révisé à la hausse afin d'assurer les opérations humanitaires et de relèvementGenève, Panama, Port-au-Prince – 11 novembre 2016. Au vu ...

  • USA

    Zeid urges focus on victims’ rights, given “numbing” extent of civilian suffering in Iraq

    Source: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Country: IraqUN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein has called for immediate action to ensure the rights and needs of victims and survivors are met – including, crucially, the need for justice, truth and reconciliation.GENEVA (11 November 2016) ...

  • Almost 90,000 people displaced by fighting in Somalia

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: SomaliaRelative calm has returned to Gaalkacyo but tension remains high, with sporadic fighting reported. Health officials estimate 45 people have been killed and 162 injured since 7 October. Situation overview Relative calm has returned to Gaalkacyo after five weeks of fighting but tension ...

  • USA

    Namibia: Promising Projects From Investment

    [Namibia Economist] The Minister of Industrialization, Trade and SME Development, Hon Immanuel Ngatjizeko on 9 November gave a press briefing on the closing ceremony of the Invest in Namibia International conference and informed the press that the conference secured 11 investments projects throughout the country, one of which bagged US$250 ...

  • Etiopia

    Ethiopia: FDI Thriving - Commission

    [Ethiopian Herald] The Ethiopian Investment Commission said Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow had not been turning down in its first quarter performance regardless of the short-lived damages, indiscriminate looting, and insecurity in some parts of the country.

  • Cina

    Ventas por internet se disparan en China en el ‘Día de los solteros’

  • Canada Belgio

    L'Europe tire les leçons du CETA

    Les ministres du Commerce de l'Union européenne, réunis vendredi à Bruxelles, ont tiré les leçons de l'accord commercial entre l'UE et le Canada (CETA), dont la signature a été brièvement retardée quand les entités francophones belges ont exigé des réponses à leurs préoccupations, et ont reconnu qu'il fallait plus d'efforts ...

  • Cina

    China sem medo deTrump

    Lívio Ribeiro, pesquisador do Ibre/FGV especializado na economia chinesa, diz que país asiático pode até se beneficiar com hostilidade de Trump aos ac...