• Russia USA

    Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results - if I win

    Mocking his critics, Donald Trump pledged Thursday to fully accept the outcome of next month's presidential election — if he wins. The Republican said he reserved the right to contest questionable results, deepening his unsubstantiated assertions that the race against Hillary Clinton could be rigged against him.Trump's comments came a ...

  • USA

    Editorial: Politics - A naive PN outsmarted by PL media strategists

    Now that the dust has started to settle on the 2017 Budget presented by Minister Edward Scicluna, and politicians from both divides of the spectrum began to focus on how to dissect the measures that will shape our immediate and long term fiscal and social fabric, we are witnessing yet ...

  • Belgio

    Consiglio UE, Renzi: "Nessun bilaterale con Juncker"

    (Teleborsa) - Brexit, economia, migranti, temi internazionali come la crisi in Siria. Sono questi i temi al centro del vertice del Consiglio UE in corso a Bruxelles. Il vertice...

  • Giappone

    Tokyo chiude debole la settimana: gli energetici controbilanciano l'export

    (Teleborsa) - Le borse asiatiche chiudono deboli la settimana, con Tokyo che ha ripiegato dai massimi degli ultimi sei mesi, toccati in corso di giornata, a causa di realizzi e dell'andamento...

  • USA

    Watch: Trump, Clinton trade biting jokes at charity dinner

    Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton sat down to dinner in New York City a night after their tense third and final debate for the Alfred E. Smith Dinner, a charity gala in honor of the former New York governor. Per the dinner's tradition, the candidates struck a more lighthearted ...

  • USA

    No partner in sight, Twitter faces tough solo choices

    The apparent lack of interest in Twitter Inc by potential suitors may force the social media company to consider a route anathema to aspiring tech startups: a major restructuring and cutting some its nearly 4,000 employees. The popular but money-losing micro-blogging service spent aggressively on product development and marketing in recent ...

  • USA Uruguay

    Duty calls for combative Lewis Hamilton

    Lewis Hamilton will be starring in the next ‘Call of Duty’ video game due out in November but the Formula One world champion has a real and more immediate fight on his hands in Texas this weekend. The Mercedes driver, returning to the US Grand Prix circuit where last year he ...

  • Germania

    ECB, keeping rates unchanged, stays quiet about its future policy

    The European Central Bank kept interest rates on hold at historic lows yesterday and its president said the Bank was committed to pursuing substantial asset purchases aimed at spurring growth and inflation. But in a news conference, Mario Draghi gave few hints as to what measures the Bank could take later ...

  • Cina

    China issues rules on private-public partnership projects

    China’s finance ministry yesterday issued rules for the management of government funds used in private-public partnership (PPP) projects, as the country looks to spur private investment. The rules for projects in the public service sector aim to strengthen management of funds and protect investors’ rights, and prohibit participants from raising government ...

  • Cina

    Gulf investors eye raising Deutsche Bank stake – Manager Magazin

    Deutsche Bank’s largest investors, investment vehicles controlled by the Qatari royal family, would be ready to take part in a capital increase, German business monthly Manager Magazin reported yesterday, citing banking sources. The magazine said that other potential investors from Abu Dhabi and China would also be prepared to participate in ...