• Paraguay

    Paraguayos triunfan en el negocio de la logística en los EEUU

    Ideal Cargo y King Courier Express son dos empresas manejadas por una familia paraguaya que ha sabido desempeñarse con éxito en el rubro logístico, teniendo a Miami, Estados Unidos, como base de sus operaciones. Hace un año, la firma extendió su presencia a Paraguay para responder al auge de las ...

  • USA

    Paying attention to details, makes my craft unique – Raufu

    Aishat Raufu, 24, is the founder of Aeesha Collections. She speaks about her shoemaking business and the expansion plan in this interview with IFE OGUNFUWA Tell us a bit about your background? I am from a family of seven and I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration. ...

  • Cina Nigeria

    Why China remains Nigeria’s friend

    Zhou Pingjian “Investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria”, said President Muhammadu Buhari in his recent National Day address to Nigerians. I know this to be true. Since my arrival in Abuja last month as China’s new Ambassador to Nigeria, ...

  • Nigeria

    Access to proceeds: No respite yet for exporters

    The excitement of non-oil exporters over the Central Bank of Nigeria’s June policy, which liberalised  the foreign exchange market and gave them unfettered access to their proceeds, was short-lived when they realised that the access came with more challenges, writes ANNA OKON The atmosphere is tense in the non-oil export ...

  • Nigeria

    Eight months of Forcados shutdown cost Nigeria N689bn

    ’Femi Asu The country has lost at least N689bn to the suspension of exports of Forcados, one of the nation’s largest crude oil grades, since February. Friday, October 21, 2016 marked exactly eight months that Shell declared force majeure on the export of Forcados. The force majeure, a legal clause ...

  • Nigeria

    Ebonyi bans consumption of foreign rice

    Ebonyi State has banned consumption of foreign rice at public functions to pave way for the full return of the popular Abakaliki rice. Governor David Umahi, who stated this after inspection of Iboko and Ikwo rice mill clusters, said he had directed persons who cook for the state government to ...

  • USA Nigeria

    ‘Banks not willing to finance solid minerals’

    Mr. Ayedun Fasina is the Managing Director/CEO, Multiverse Mining & Exploration Plc, the only mining company listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. In this interview with Ibrahim Apekhade Yusuf he speaks on the prospects and challenges peculiar to the extractive industry. Excerpts: Can you take us through a brief history ...

  • Colombia

    Empresas locales con visión regional

    Compañías panameñas han apostado a la internacionalización para diversificar sus negocios. Su estado de resultados ya  lo agradece.

  • USA

    Trump zal vrouwen die hem beschuldigen van seksuele intimidatie aanklagen

    Als Donald Trump tot Amerikaans president verkozen wordt, zal hij meteen na zijn aantreden de Noord-Amerikaanse Vrijhandelsovereenkomst (NAFTA) opnieuw onderhandelen en het Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) opzeggen. Dat kondigde hij zaterdag in Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) aan als onderdeel van zijn programma voor zijn eerste honderd dagen in het Witte Huis. De Republikeinse ...

  • Senegal

    La loi sur le littoral adoptée en même temps que la réforme foncière (PM)

    Dakar, 22 oct (APS) - La loi sur le littoral sera votée en même temps que la loi sur la réforme foncière, a indiqué samedi à Dakar, le Premier ministre. - Développement Durable