Minister, Labour Whip at odds over morning after pill

    Minister for Civil Liberties Helena Dalli and Labour Whip Godfrey Farrugia are at odds over the parliamentary committee’s unanimous decision that the morning-after-pill should be prescription-only drug. At a meeting presenting The Cohabitation Bill, Dalli said that she had the utmost faith in the capabilities and professionalism of the ...

  • USA Slovacchia

    EU member states should collaborate more together in tourism sector - minister

    Minister for Tourism Edward Zammit Lewis said that tourism is highly impacted by dynamic and changing consumer trends, technological evolution and the ongoing emergence of new business models within the sector. Speaking at the 15th European Tourism Forum in Bratislava, he said that “in a bid to make the sector within Europe more sustainable ...

  • USA Malta

    World Obesity Day - Malta to lead development of voluntary procurement guidelines for schools

    World Obesity Day was celebrated yesterday, with the government issuing a statement for the occasion today, a day late.In the statement, the government said that as childhood obesity is one of the priority areas in health for Malta’s Presidency of the Council of Europe, Malta will lead the development of a voluntary procurement guideline ...

  • USA

    Judge rules religious rites trump animal rights, for now

    Just as the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur began Tuesday night, a federal judge lifted a temporary restraining order against a California synagogue performing a ritual where chickens are twirled in the air before they're slaughtered.Judge Andre Birotte Jr. had granted the order last week at the request of an ...

  • USA Malta

    The Naxxar disability Hub project is now called project 'reach'

    The Naxxar disability hub has now been called project "Reach" Parliamentary Secretary for Disability said today.PN MP Robert Cutajar stood up and said the PN has long been asking for information about it, saying that "now the name and the project itself seems to have changed"Dr Caruana said that the ...

  • Malta

    Restaurant survey: Gozo restaurants doing better, Valletta restaurants struggle due to oversupply

    Restaurants in Valletta surveyed by the Deloitte – MIA Restaurants Performance survey registered a loss in revenue trends of 1.6 per cent, while restaurants of the sister island of Gozo registered an increase of 3.2 per cent.A total of 89 restaurants was surveyed: 17 from Valletta, 16 from the North, ...

  • USA Malta

    BirdLife hints looming election stopping government from taking action on hunting illegalities

    There has been a total of 32 shootings and 120 illegalities registered by Birdlife Malta since the start of the autumn hunting season a month and a half ago, the organization said today at a press conference in Valletta.  The latest of the shootings happened two days ago when a ...

  • USA Thailandia

    Updated: Thailand's king, world's longest-reigning monarch, dies

    King Bhumibol Adulyadej, revered in Thailand as a demigod, a humble father figure and an anchor of stability through decades of upheaval at home and abroad, died Thursday. He was 88 and had been the world's longest reigning monarch.The Royal Palace said Bhumibol died "in a peaceful state" at Siriraj ...

  • Malta

    INDEPTH – Online programme on www.independent.com.mt as from this week

    The Malta Independent as from this week will be producing an online programme called INDEPTH, which will take the form of a one-on-one interview.Pierre Portelli, Rachel Attard and Stephen Calleja will take turns to interview people in the news.Pierre Portelli, who is the content and business director, is a former ...

  • Malta

    Industrial action ordered at the law courts, workers complain of health and safety issues

    Three separate cases of industrial action were initiated this morning at the law courts by Voice of the Workers Unjoni Haddiema Mghaqudin (UHM) over a number of outstanding issues effecting clerks, messengers and other court workers.A collective agreement that has taken over two years to be concluded, discriminatory employment applications and ...