Em 8 anos, Argentina perde mais de US$ 1 bi em investimento do Brasil
Segundo consultoria, valor despencou de US$ 1,31 bilhão em 2006 para US$ 64 milhões no 1º semestre deste ano
China to Revise GDP
The revision of Chinas 2013 GDP could push up the date when the size of Chinas economy officially surpasses the U.S. economy.
China to lower some import tariffs
Consumer parts, high-tech devices among list of low-tariff goods for coming year.
Fears mount as China PMI shrinks
CHINESE manufacturing has contracted for the first time in seven months in December, raising questions over growth prospects for the giant economy.
Corrupção, fraude e evasão levaram para fora do Brasil quase 10% do PIB em dez anos
Países emergentes registraram fuga de capitais ilícitos de quase US$ 1 tri em 2012, aponta levantamento da Global Financial Integrity
Crise na Petrobrás piora o cenário para a economia
Investimentos de R$ 100 bilhões previstos pela estatal podem ficar comprometidos, o que puxaria para baixo o crescimento do País
Wonkblog: ?Sorry, Putin. Russias economy is doomed
A funny thing happened on the way to Vladimir Putin running strategic laps around the West. Russia's economy imploded.The latest news is that Russia's central bank raised interest rates from 10.5 to 17 percent at an emergency 1 a.m. meeting in an attempt to stop the ruble, which is down 50 ...
Thanks to the strong women in Turkey's economy...
The situation of women in Turkey as revealed in the World Economic Forums Global Gender Gap report issued every year is grave. In the 2014 report, Turkey was in 125th place among 142 countries.
Prescription for Turkey's economy: Rule of law and pluralistic democracy
As long as Turkey remains distant from pluralistic democracy and the rule of law, and as long as it cannot secure an inclusive political atmosphere that is the most essential requirement of co-existence and economic development, all the economic gains it has achieved will be temporary and unsustainable.
Moscow Hotels Struggle as Foreign Tourists, Businessmen Go Elsewhere
The loss of foreign travelers is posing a thorny problem for Moscow hotels, whose livelihood depends on a steady stream of foreign tourists and businesspeople, the Vedomosti newspaper reported.