Brazil to Boost Car Sales Tax
Brazil is raising its tax on car purchases next year to the level before a temporary reduction made in 2012 to boost flagging sales.
Luso-canadianos querem exportar para a Europa via Portugal
A empresa luso-canadiana de pesca Presteve Foods Limited, com sede em Wheatley, no Ontário, pretende utilizar Portugal como "porta de entrada" para o mercado europeu na exportação de peixes, disse à...
Greve nos Transportes Coletivos do Porto sem adesão significativa
A greve dos trabalhadores da Sociedade Coletiva de Transportes Públicos do Porto (STCP) afetos ao Sindicato Nacional dos Motoristas não teve "uma expressão muito significativa", afirmou Jorge Costa, presidente daquela estrutura sindical.
USA Canada
Il maltempo devasta Stati Uniti e Canada. 11 morti e trasporti paralizzati
Una donna in Arkansas è rimasta intrappolata nella sua auto mentre un uomo è stato intossicato dal monossido di carbonio emesso da un generatore di corrente....
Qatar set to boost Europe LNG sales as gas trades at 7-yr high
Qatar is poised to boost contracted liquefied natural gas exports to Europe by the most in five years as prices in the region are at their highest since 2006.
Moscow High End Real Estate Sales Up 18%
Spending on luxury property in Moscow and the surrounding region rose 18 percent over last year to a total of more than $3.8 billion in 2013, according to a report by real estate agency IntermarkSavills.
Foreign tourist arrivals to India rise 13%
International tourist arrival in India grew by 13 per cent during the first nine months of 2013, United Nation World Tourism Organisation data showed.
Rio Retailers See Mixed Christmas Sales Results: Daily
By Chesney Hearst, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL Retailers in the city of Rio reported mixed results during the last shopping weekend before Christmas this year. Shopping malls saw lower sales than last year as shops in Centro saw streets filled with bargain-hungry consumers. While sales increased ...
Ações asiáticas fecham em alta apesar de mercado monetário da China
As bolsas da Ásia fecharam cautelosamente em alta nesta segunda-feira puxadas pelos recordes em Wall Street, embora o aperto de crédito na China tenha...
Femen bare breasts against Spain abortion law
Feminist activists mounted a bare-breasted protest outside a Madrid church to decry Spain's plan to ban women from freely opting for abortion