• Malta Italia

    More foreign students studying English in Malta

    Foreign students attending English language courses at local specialised schools numbered 76,730 last year, equivalent to an increase of 1.6% over 2015. The majority of students attending English language courses in Malta came from Italy (24.5%), Germany (14.2%) and France (11.1%). Together, these accounted for 49.8% of total students. The largest share of ...

  • Colombia Malta Italia

    1.6% increase in number of foreign students learning English in Malta in 2016 - NSO

    Last year, foreign students attending English language courses at local specialised schools numbered 76,730, equivalent to an increase of 1.6 per cent over 2015, the NSO said.The majority of students attending English language courses in Malta came from Italy (24.5 per cent), Germany (14.2 per cent) and France (11.1 per ...

  • Malta Italia

    Updated - Watch: Passenger takes over Air Malta flight PA system, minister concerned, crew suspended

    A group of angry passengers travelling on an Air Malta flight (KM626) flying out of Milan to Malta last Sunday reported their disgust after passengers on the same flight took over the in-flight public address system to party with their friends.Passengers who spoke with The Malta Independent also provided footage ...

  • Italia

    Nel 2016 in Italia gli appalti pubblici irregolari sono triplicati.

    Nel 2016 in Italia gli appalti pubblici irregolari sono triplicati. Nel 2016 sono stati scoperti appalti pubblici irregolari per un valore totale di 3,4 miliardi di euro, più del triplo del valore di quelli irregolari scoperti nel 2015 (un miliardo). Il dato è contenuto nel Rapporto annuale della Guardia di ...

  • Cina Italia

    Pope Francis warns of 'very grave sin' when jobs are cut unjustly

    Pope Francis said Wednesday that employers who fire workers for unclear economic reasons are committing a "very grave sin" and should ensure dignified work for all their employees.Francis made the comments at his Wednesday general audience after appealing for a resolution to a labor dispute at Sky Italia, where employees ...

  • Marocco Algeria Belgio Italia

    «La refondation de l’Accord d’association entre l’Algérie et l’UE était devenue nécessaire»

    - L’Algérie et l’Union européenne (UE) ont tenu, lundi à Bruxelles, les travaux de la 10e session de leur Conseil d’association, institué par l’Accord d’association signé en 2002 et mis en œuvre en 2005. Cet accord a instauré un dialogue ouvert et une coopération globale entre les deux parties. Qu’est-ce ...

  • Francia Belgio Italia

    «Pour l’UE, l’Algérie est une destination commerciale fructueuse mais pas une terre d’IDE»

    - Question en rapport aux résultats annoncés de cette 10e session du Conseil d’association Algérie-UE, consacrée officiellement à l’évaluation commune de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord d’association. L’UE a annoncé une aide de 40 millions d’euros et la signature de 3 conventions d’appui à la réforme des finances, la ...

  • Italia

    Il y a urgence à agir…

    L’Algérie n’a exporté vers l’Europe que 14 milliards de dollars de produits hors hydrocarbures contre un flux de produits européens de l’ordre de 220 milliards de dollars. La 10e session du Conseil d’association a livré ses résultats sans apporter de  réponse sur l’inquiétante question du déséquilibre commercial entre l’Union européenne ...

  • Italia

    In Italia il 28 maggio si voterà per il referendum su appalti e voucher.

    In Italia il 28 maggio si voterà per il referendum su appalti e voucher. Il Consiglio dei ministri ha approvato un decreto con cui viene fissata al 28 maggio la data per votare ai referendum popolari proposti dalla Cgil e approvati dalla corte costituzionale sul ripristino della responsabilità delle aziende ...

  • Egitto Russia USA Italia

    Libya's deepening split finds battleground at oil terminals

    Hundreds if not thousands of armed men are converging on Libya's main oil shipping terminals, which the rival powers in the country's east and west are fighting to control in a battle being watched by global oil markets.The struggle for the Ras Lanuf refinery and nearby Sidr depot threatens to spiral into ...