Italia - In un documentario la storia dimenticata degli italiani a Trauenbrietzen
Immagini e parole per non dimenticare. Il DCE - Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia con la Mediateca di Unimore - Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia propone un incontro organizzato con l’Associazione “Amici di passato e presente” aperto a studenti, docenti e a tutti gli interessati...
Turchia USA Bulgaria Grecia Danimarca Cipro Italia
Council of Europe calls for states to invest in alternatives to migrant detention
Source: Council of Europe Country: WorldThe Council of Europe has outlined a five step plan that enables European states to work towards the abolition of migrant detention and develop effective alternatives.The use of migrant detention across Europe, whether for the purpose of stopping asylum seekers and other migrants entering a country ...
Turchia USA Italia
European leaders oppose Trump travel ban, far right applauds
The leaders of Britain and Germany joined other American allies Sunday in criticizing President Donald Trump's U.S. entry ban for people from some Muslim-majority countries, even as far-right politicians on the continent celebrated the move.British Prime Minister Theresa May does "not agree" with Trump's order and will challenge the U.S. ...
Italy welcomes 41 Syrian refugees, seeks bridges not walls
Italian government and church officials have welcomed 41 Syrian refugees at Rome's airport, saying they wanted to show solidarity at a time when the U.S. is sending refugees away and building walls to keep them out.The Syrian children were given balloons as they arrived, and a colorful sign reading "Welcome ...
USA Romania Bulgaria Grecia Panama Malta Italia
Editorial - To those who think EU will condemn Malta’s corruption: Forget it
It maybe stems from the campaign which led to Malta’s accession into the EU – that joining the EU would protect us from the excesses in our midst.One must remember that the PN came up with a clear commitment to join the EU at the first opportunity just a few ...
Grecia Italia
Unemployment drops, inflation jumps as Europe recovers
Europe's economic recovery is gathering speed, with growth up, inflation spiking sharply higher and unemployment down at its lowest in nearly eight years, official figures showed Tuesday.In perhaps the most striking development, European Union statistics agency Eurostat said inflation across the 19 countries that share the euro currency rose sharply ...
Grecia Malta Cipro Libano Italia
Libya launches huge investigation into oil smuggling to Malta, Italy, Greece and Cyprus
Yet again Malta is being mentioned in connection with oil smuggling from Libya as the North African country has just launched the biggest anti-corruption probe since the fall of the Gaddafi regime in 2011. The Libya Herald reported yesterday that warrants for the arrest of a number of government ministers ...
L'Italia alla Ue: «Nessuna manovra, solo ritocchi»
La lettera di Paolo Gentiloni e Pier Carlo Padoan non farà felice la Commissione europea. Il premier e il ministro dell'Economia, ieri sera, hanno escluso «manovre...
Cina Russia USA Spagna Kenya Nigeria Regno Unito Italia
Former IEBC bosses to get diplomatic jobs
The nine former IEBC commissioners ejected from office under a cloud could land lucrative ambassadorial postings. This would be a yet another gift — part of the deal — to Issack Hassan's team who got packages estimated at Sh330 million each for their early exit. There was a national consensus ...
Promozione Integrata - “Quanto vale la diplomazia economica italiana”
Martedì 31 gennaio alle 10.30 si svolgerà, presso la sede di Confindustria a Roma, la conferenza “Quanto vale la diplomazia economica italiana - L’impatto economico del sostegno della Farnesina alle imprese italiane”, alla quale interverrà il ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione...