• Francia

    Renouer avec le leadership américain
    Par Ana Palacio

    Le mois de décembre nous offre chaque année l’opportunité de prendre un instant pour réfléchir à ce que nous enseigne le passé, et à ce que nous réserve l’avenir. L’une des conclusions de l’année qui s’achève réside en ce que les États-Unis demeurent aujourd’hui solidement ancrés au cœur de l’ordre ...

  • Ghana

    Save us from collapse – Local cement manufacturers cry out

    The  Association of  Cement  Manufacturers in Ghana is calling for an urgent  intervention  from government to  save the industry  from collapse. The manufacturers lament the influx of imported bagged cement coupled with a reduction in freight value of the product is detrimental to their business. In their bid to get ...

  • Ghana

    Ex-soldier arrested over police recruitment scam

    An ex-soldier, Francis Kunlen, is in the grip of the law for collecting monies from prospective police recruits with the assurance to assist them to be enlisted into the Ghana Police Service. The 58-year-old was arrested on the eve of Christmas at his hideout at a location near Sowutuom in ...

  • Ghana

    Gov’t must come clean on bus branding scandal – AFAG

    Pro-opposition pressure group Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG), has charged government to set the records straight on the murky GHC 3.6 million bus re-branding scandal. Although the group in a statement commended government’s “swift action” to retrieve part of the money, it observed that the “step is incomplete until the ...

  • Francia Burkina Faso

    Gestion durable des terres au Sénégal : Le manque de données fiables sur la cartographie des sols décrié

    En mettant, hier, en exergue la vulnérabilité des sols arables au Sénégal, lors d’un atelier national organisé par l’Institut national de pédologie (Inp) en collaboration avec le Nepad et la Fao sur : « Les sols et les changements climatiques », des acteurs ont déploré l’absence d’une cartographie fiable sur les sols au ...

  • Brasile

    Brasil precisa cadastrar 146,6 milhões de hectares de área rural até maio

    O prazo para que os produtores rurais façam o Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) termina em 5 de maio de 2016 e, até lá, 146,6 milhões hectares de área rural ainda precisam ser cadastrados. O último boletim divulgado pelo Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, com dados até 30 de novembro, mostra que 251,3 ...

  • Brasile

    Petrobras sells stake in Gaspetro

    Gaspetro is a holding company which consolidates Petrobras's interests in natural gas distributorsDivulgação/Petrobras Mitsui Gás e Energia do Brasil Ltda (Mitsui-Gás) has paid Petrobras $492.5 million for a 49% stake in Petrobras Gás S.A. (Gaspetro), a holding company which consolidates Petrobras's interests in state natural gas distributors. According to Petrobras, ...

  • Brasile

    Double-digit inflation not seen since 2002

    The Central Bank expects that the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), the official inflation gauge, will close out 2015 at 10.8%.Imagem de Arquivo/Agência Brasil Consumers have struggled with sharp price increases in 2015, particularly in regulated prices—such as electricity, gasoline, gas, and public transport—and food. The hikes are certain ...

  • Brasile

    Agência Brasil errou

    O título e o primeiro parágrafo da matéria "Novo navio-plataforma chega à área do pré-sal na Bacia de Campos" permaneceram com erro das 17h04 de ontem (28) até as 11h de hoje (29). Diferentemente do informado, o navio-plataforma chegou à área do pré-sal na Bacia de Santos e não na ...

  • Bulgaria

    Salarios mínimos en Europa: de los 194 euros de Bulgaria a los 1.923 de Luxemburgo

    El salario mínimo en 22 de los 28 países de la UE oscila entre los 1.923 euros mensuales de Luxemburgo y los 194 euros de Bulgaria, según datos de Eurostat al segundo semestre de 2015. Leer