• Cina

    Yum talks to KKR over China unit stake

    US fast-food operator may sell up to 19.9% in business being spun off later this year

  • Argentina Bolivia

    Macri destaca "liderazgo" de Obama y pide profundizar comercio bilateral - El Nuevo Diario

    El presidente argentino, Mauricio Macri, destacó hoy el "liderazgo inspirador" de Barack Obama tras la llegada del mandatario estadounidense al país suramericano y la reunión que ambos mantuvieron en la Casa Rosada. "Usted emergió proponiendo grandes cambios y demostró que era posible", dijo Macri en la conferencia de prensa que ambos ...

  • Bolivia

    Evo Morales anuncia que demandará a Chile - El Nuevo Diario

    El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, anunció hoy que demandará a Chile ante "instancias internacionales competentes" por el "uso y aprovechamiento unilateral e ilícito" de las aguas de los manantiales del Silala, en el suroeste boliviano. "Cada día Chile se aprovecha ilegal y arteramente de ese recurso natural sin compensar ni ...

  • India

    A tarnished appeal

    Bonds are no substitute A SMALL room on the eighth floor of Mumbai’s former cotton exchange is where jewellery goes to die. At the Master Bullion Assaying & Hallmarking Lab in the heart of the gold district, superheated crucibles melt elaborate bangles and earrings into bars a central banker might recognise. ...

  • Brasile Kenya

    A bitter harvest

    COFFEE was once Kenya’s biggest foreign-exchange earner, but these days the industry looks less perky. The country’s record, 127,000-tonne crop was all the way back in the 1987-88 season. Output plunged by 40% the following year, after the global coffee cartel axed its quotas, exposing the industry to competition. It ...

  • Cina


    Four babies, by the local count IN THEORY Chinese officials receive promotions based on their performance against a range of targets: delivering strong growth, maintaining social stability and, until recently, enforcing the one-child policy. But scholars debate whether the system really rewards those who excel according to these (in any case ...

  • Cina Giappone Taiwan

    Taiwan 2.0

    THE takeover bid by Hon Hai of Taiwan for Sharp, a chronically loss-making Japanese electronics firm, is being watched closely as a test of Japan’s openness to foreign investment. But it is also being scrutinised back in Taiwan. The deal may yet falter: as The Economist went to press, Hon ...

  • Russia Italia

    The man who put Intel inside

    IN HIS book, “Giants of Enterprise”, Richard Tedlow of Harvard Business School argues that America has an extraordinary ability to produce business titans. Italy produces a disproportionate number of great opera composers, he writes, and Russia an abundance of great novelists. America’s unique genius lies in nurturing business heroes. Whether ...

  • Cina

    U.S. Grants China's ZTE Temporary Reprieve on Export Curbs

    The U.S. government will give Chinese telecom equipment and smartphone maker ZTE Corp a three-month reprieve on tough export restrictions it imposed this month, the Commerce Department said on Tuesday.

  • Cina

    In Cina sono state arrestate 37 persone per il commercio di vaccini illegali.

    In Cina sono state arrestate 37 persone per il commercio di vaccini illegali. Nella provincia di Shandong la polizia ha scoperto un giro d’affari da 88 milioni di dollari per la vendita di vaccini illegali che coinvolgeva produttori e commercianti. Il gruppo era attivo dal 2011.