Wonkblog: How Mexico could call Donald Trump’s bluff

    Donald Trump has now explained his plan to force Mexico to pay to build a wall along the border with the United States: He would bar undocumented immigrants in the United States from remitting money to Mexico. That threat to the Mexican economy, Trump says, would force the government to pay up.Read full article >>

  • Finlandia

    Nokia eliminará mil 300 empleos en Finlandia para 2018

    La compañía empleaba a cerca de 6,700 trabajadores en Finlandia para fines de 2015.

  • Cina

    Ivanka Trump China-made scarves recalled

    Consumer Product Safety Commission says clothing posed ‘burn risk’ as she talks tough on trade deals

  • Venezuela

    Oposición venezolana prepara salida de Maduro

    Caracas.- La alianza opositora venezolana Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) dijo que la ley de referendo para revocar el[...]

  • Nicaragua

    "El Estado huyó" de reunión de la CIDH

    El Estado de Nicaragua se ausentó de una reunión de trabajo en la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) este[...]

  • Perù

    PJ decidirá este viernes si le abre proceso a Alejandro Toledo por caso Ecoteva

    El juez del 16º Juzgado Penal de Lima, Abel Concha Calla, decidirá este viernes 8 de abril si abre o no una instrucción al expresidente y candidato Alejandro Toledo, así como a otros seis implicados en el caso Ecoteva, por el presunto delito de lavado de activos.   PUEDES VER: Verónika Mendoza ...

  • Ghana

    Vodafone to hand over Ghana Telecom university & other assets to Gov’t

    Vodafone Ghana has voluntarily decided to hand over close to 18 of its prime assets to Government. Steps are currently underway to formerly transfer the assets, among which is the Ghana Telecom University, to government. Notwithstanding the fact that these are assets legally acquired and paid for under the Ghana ...

  • USA Ghana

    Ghana tests murky Eurobond waters

    Ghana’s Ministry of Finance has officially denied that it is doing a road show in order to issue new Eurobonds imminently. An official statement from the Ministry at the beginning of the week claimed that the ongoing road show, which is taking its officials and representatives of the Bank of ...

  • Ghana

    Efficient business strategies will prevent layoffs – HR expert

    Human Resource Executives are urging companies in the country to restructure their company strategies and policies to avoid layoffs this year. Current economic challenges in the country last year pushed many companies to lay off workers in a bid to stay afloat. Early this year, the Ghana Employers Association warned ...

  • Ghana

    No company leaving Ghana over ‘poor’ economy – Mahama

    President John Dramani Mahama has defended his government’s management of the Ghanaian economy, claiming the nation’s economy has become very resilient under his presidency. The President made the comments in an interview with Takoradi-based Twin-City Radio in the Western Region on Wednesday. The comments come at a time of increasing ...