• Italia

    El Papa pide un modelo de desarrollo que respete la dignidad humana

    El papa Francisco manifestó hoy, 1º de Mayo, su deseo de que las autoridades y las instituciones promuevan un "modelo de desarrollo que tenga en cuenta la dignidad humana" y que respete las normativas sobre el trabajo. Lo hizo tras el rezo del "Regina Coeli", que sustituye al Ángelus en tiempo ...

  • Ghana

    Mahama charges TUC to resolve confusion in labour front

    President John Dramani Mahama has charged the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to immediately resolve the agitations within the labour front which have led to some unions breaking away from the mother unions. Workers of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) last Friday announced that the company had broken away from its mother union, ...

  • Italia

    Primo maggio, cortei in diverse città: a Genova Cgil, Cisl e Uil.

    Primo maggio, cortei in diverse città: a Genova Cgil, Cisl e Uil. I sindacati confederati, uniti nel corteo di Genova, inviano appelli al governo per inaugurare nuove politiche del lavoro. Cortei anche a Roma, Milano e Torino. A Roma, nel pomeriggio, si terrà il tradizionale concerto di piazza San Giovanni, ...

  • Germania Italia

    I titoli dei quotidiani di oggi

    Corriere della Sera: “Sfida all’Italia sui migranti” La Repubblica: “Padoan: le banche sono più solide ma gli impiegati verranno ridotti” La Stampa: “Frontiere, la Germania all’Ue: ‘Controlli per altri sei mesi’” Il Messaggero: “Statali, stipendi legati alle pagelle” Il Giornale: “La Libia dichiara guerra all’Italia” ...

  • Giappone

    App to let men test sperm count at home

    Infertility is a growing concern in rapidly depopulating Japan. But it is often seen as a women’s problem, even though both sexes can be to blame. A Tokyo company is trying to change that by marketing a kit that allows men to check their semen quality easily and in the ...

  • Giappone

    Japan Post to expand Cool EMS service to handle larger food items

    Japan Post Co. plans to launch an international delivery service for larger frozen and chilled food items than its current service can deliver, sources said. The new service, which might debut as early as June, will allow deliver of, for example, a whole fish, such as a yellowtail, instead of ...

  • Giappone

    Top companies move to hire more foreigners

    Japan’s top companies are increasingly moving to give foreign people permanent contracts, judging that the benefits of diversification are well worth the challenges. Among them is convenience store chain Lawson Inc., which has awarded between 10 and 30 percent of its graduate positions to foreigners over the past several years. ...

  • Giappone

    Germany looks to export reactor decommissioning technologies

    Germany may become an exporter of technologies to decommission reactors in the future given the experience gained after its phasing out of nuclear energy, German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said in a recent interview with Kyodo News. Germany believes it may be able to halt all nuclear power in the ...

  • Giappone Indonesia Singapore Vietnam Filippine

    Scandal-plagued Mitsubishi Motors reliant on ASEAN as redress claims brew

    Mitsubishi Motors Corp., embroiled in a car-rigging scandal in Japan, may find that its future increasingly hinges on its performance in Thailand — the automaker’s biggest overseas production base. Paced by Thailand-built Triton pickups and Pajero SUVs, Mitsubishi Motors sold more than twice as many vehicles in Southeast Asia than ...

  • Argentina

    Astori preocupado por lavado de activos en el país y región

    El ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Danilo Astori, mostró su preocupación por la internacionalización del fenómeno del lavado de activos, en relación a una presunta ramificación en su país de una investigación judicial en Argentina que involucra a la expresidenta Cristina Fernández.