• Francia

    Loi travail : plusieurs milliers de manifestants à Paris et dans toute la France

    La CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, l’UNEF, l’UNL et la FIDL ont appelé à manifester contre la loi travail partout en France, soit la cinquième journée de mobilisation nationale et unitaire en deux mois.

  • Angola

    Títulos do Tesouro financiam economia

    O Estado angolano continuou a financiar-se a taxas de juro superiores a 18 por cento a um ano, informa um relatório sobre os mercados monetário e cambial, divulgado  em Luanda pelo Banco Nacional de Angola (BNA)

  • India

    Services of entities getting money via Mauritius to be taxed

    A foreign company in India will be taxable if its employees spent 90 days in India in the past 12 months

  • India

    Finance ministry, foreign investors discuss GAAR, tax treaties

    Deliberate on their concerns over taxation against the backdrop of India signing revised tax treaty with Mauritius this week

  • India Nuova Zelanda

    India's bad loans could be more than New Zealand's $170 bn economy

    Banks' loan growth at 10.7% in last fiscal year ended March 31, was slowest in nearly two decades

  • India

    India, Belarus hope to achieve $1 bn bilateral trade target by 2018

    The two countries need to de create a roadmap with clearly defines tangibles and deliverable, including key sectors like pharmaceuticals, clean energy, defence and heavy engineering

  • Spagna

    Beyond OPEC

    KHALID AL-FALIH is a busy man. When he met The Economist in Riyadh in April, he was sitting in the sprawling office from which he was running the health ministry. But the subject was the part-privatisation of Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company, whose board he also chairs. And ...

  • Russia Estonia

    SELL signals

    Another blissful day in the euro zone HAS the euro crisis dissuaded other countries from adopting the single currency? Not a bit of it. Since 2009, when euro-zone GDP shrank by 5%, four countries—Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (let’s call them the “SELLs”) have joined. Their experience suggests that the euro ...

  • USA Svizzera

    Triple whammy

    IF YOU think America’s banks are having a rough year, take a look at Europe (see chart). American lenders’ share prices, having rallied from their trough in mid-February, are 6% lower than at the start of 2016; European ones are over 20% down. So miserable has the first quarter been ...

  • Nigeria

    Praga triunfa en casa

    San Marcos de Tambogrande venció 2-0 a San José de Tarbes y sumó su segundo triunfo al hilo para liderar el campeonato de voleibol, categoría Mayores, de los Juegos Adecore, que organiza el Consorcio de Centros Educativos Católicos de Piura. Las sanmarquinas, que en el debut superaron a San Gabriel,...