• Cina Giappone

    Japan to slap anti-dumping tariffs on chemicals from South Korea, China

    The government will soon slap an anti-dumping tariff on South Korean and Chinese chemical substances for five years after finding that potassium hydrate imported from the two countries was priced unfairly low, officials said. Japan will impose tariffs of 49.5 percent on substances from South Korea and 73.7 percent on ...

  • Giappone

    Aeon to sell catfish that tastes like eel

    Retail giant Aeon Co. will start selling catfish that tastes like eel later this month, according to informed sources. The catfish, developed by Kinki University as a substitute for Japanese eel, will be sold after it has been grilled. The move will come ahead of July 30, or the Day ...

  • Belgio

    De si confortables pantoufles bruxelloises

    Les institutions européennes accordent une place exorbitante à la bureaucratie au détriment du pouvoir politique. Intervenant à tous les stades du processus de décision, ces fonctionnaires concentrent l'attention des lobbys. / Belgique, Europe, Banque, Élections, Entreprise, Finance, Fonction (...) / Belgique, Europe, Banque, Élections, Entreprise, Finance, Fonction publique, Industrie, Médias, ...

  • Abu Dhabi's Flash 'to keep' UFC stake after $4bn sale

    Owners of the Ultimate Fighting Championship have confirmed sale of martial arts business to group of investors

  • Brasile

    Técnicos do BC fazem paralisação por mudança na carreira

    Técnicos do Banco Central fazem paralisação hoje  e amanhã defendendo modernização da carreira  oto: Agência Brasil/Antonio Cruz Técnicos do Banco Central (BC) fazem paralisação hoje (11) e amanhã (12) para defender a modernização da carreira, com a modificação do critério de acesso ao cargo de técnico de nível médio para ...

  • Brasile

    Mercado financiero de Brasil pronostica inflación aún más baja en 2016

    La proyección de las instituciones financieras para la inflación oficial medida por el Índice Nacional de Precios al Consumidor Amplio (IPCA) se redujo ligeramente al pasar del 7,27% al 7,26%, la segunda semana consecutiva de reducción. Para 2017, la proyección también registró la segunda caída consecutiva, del 5,43% al 5,40%. ...

  • Brasile

    Financial market forecast for Brazil's 2016 inflation lowered further

    The financial institutions' forecast for inflation as officially measured by the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) was slightly lowered from 7.27% to 7.26%, at the second consecutive downward revision. The projection for 2017 has also been revised for the second straight week, down from 5.43% to 5.40%. These forecasts ...

  • Brasile

    Mercado reduz estimativas para inflação e queda no PIB este ano

    Estimativa para inflação foi reduzida de 7,27% para 7,26% e para a queda no PIB, de 3,35% para 3,30% Arquivo/Agencia Brasil A projeção de instituições financeiras para a inflação, medida pelo Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), foi levemente reduzida ao passar de 7,27% para 7,26%. Essa foi ...

  • Nigeria

    Naira Weakens Slightly Against Dollar

    The Naira on Monday weakened slightly against the dollar at the parallel market, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports. The Nigerian currency shed 1 point to trade at N353 by midday, from N352 it traded on Friday. However, the Naira hedged against the Pound Sterling and the Euro as ...

  • USA Ghana

    Ghana Begins Visa-on-Arrival Policy For AU Member States

    The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) said that foreign nationals from the African Union (AU) member states can now travel to Ghana and be issued with visas on arrival. Francis Palmdeti, Head of Public Affairs of the GIS, said on Monday in a statement that Ghana kick-starts the new visa policy. ...