Marocco Senegal
SENEGAL-MAROC-PARTENARIAT / Préventions des inondations : Dakar et Rabat veulent renforcer leur coopération
Dakar, 9 juil (APS) – Le ministre sénégalais chargé de la Prévention et de la Gestion des inondations, Issakha Diop, et son homologue marocain de l’Equipement et de l’Eau Nizar Baraka, ont échangé sur les moyens de renforcer la coopération bilatérale en matière de prévention des inondations, a-t-on appris de ...
Reforma tributária e Lei Cortez mobilizam atenções no setor editorial
O setor editorial brasileiro está trabalhando neste ano com dois temas relevantes para a atividade no longo prazo, disse à Agência Brasil o presidente do Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de ...
Imposto sobre produtos prejudiciais à saúde está previsto na reforma
A reforma tributária, aprovada na semana passada pela Câmara dos Deputados, prevê a instituição do Imposto Seletivo, que incidirá sobre produtos prejudiciais à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Na prática, ...
Cesta básica, remédios, streaming: o que muda com reforma tributária
Aprovada em segundo turno nesta sexta-feira (7) pela Câmara dos Deputados, a primeira fase da reforma tributária simplificará a tributação sobre o consumo e provocará mudança na vida dos brasileiros ...
USA Nicaragua
Nicaragua closes the first quarter of 2023 with a debt of almost US$15 billion
In the first quarter of 2023, Nicaragua’s external debt stood at US$14.831 billion, equivalent to 94.6% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) of US$15.671 billion, as per the Nicaraguan Central Bank. The debt was split between the public sector, accounting for US$8.216 billion (55.4% of the total), and the ...
USA Nigeria
We Want Nigeria, US Trade Volume Grow Up, Says President Biden’s Advisor
The US government has expressed its continued commitment to supporting and developing Nigeria and other African countries’ economy and trade. It also charged Nigeria to develop its agricultural potentials particularly cocoa production to boost the economy and stressed the need for the country to take advantage of the American law ...
SENEGAL-INFRASTRUCTURES / Macky Sall a réceptionné la gare ferroviaire du TER à l’AIBD
Diamniadio, 8 juil (APS) – Le président de la République a réceptionné la gare ferroviaire du train express régional (TER) à l’aéroport international Blaise-Diagne (AIBD) de Diass (ouest), a constaté l’APS, samedi. ‘’Cette infrastructure moderne est harmonieusement intégrée à l’écosystème architectural de l’aéroport international Blaise-Diagne’’, a souligné Macky Sall lors ...
Brasile Portogallo
PPA Participativo: governo federal colhe propostas em Porto Alegre
A caravana do Plano Plurianual (PPA) Participativo realizou na manhã deste sábado (8) a plenária do Rio Grande do Sul. Os ministros do Planejamento e Orçamento, Simone Tebet, e da ...
Cina USA
Yellen tende la mano a Pechino: ampio spazio per aumentare l’interscambio, fondamentale collaborazione sul clima
Il segretario di Stato Usa in visita al vice premier He Lifeng: record nel commercio bilaterale 2022, si evitino malintesi
Cina USA
Chile serves as an example of LatAm’s commitment to renewable energy and self-reliance, despite China’s influence
(Opinion) The growth of renewable energy in Latin America is often attributed to Chinese influence, which is indeed significant. Chinese companies produce about 90% of the wind and solar technologies installed in the region. China's State Grid controls over half of Chile's regulated energy distribution. Additionally, China has made substantial ...