Singapore Kenya
What Kenya can learn from Singapore's rise and housing
Singapore's success can be attributed to various factors, with good governance being the most significant. Lee implemented policies that prioritised housing and respect for the law.
Tinubu Takes Hard Stand Against Military Coups In Africa
President Bola Tinubu yesterday in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, took a tough stance against the growing coup attempt in African countries, calling on the continent’s leaders to respect democracy and the rule of law in order to ensure political stability. Tinubu’s position is contained in his statement at a ...
Tinubu Urges African Leaders To Address Root Causes Of Military Coups
President Bola Tinubu, on Saturday in Nairobi, Kenya, called on African leaders to respect democracy, rule of law, and ensure political stability. In his statement at a high-level event organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on the margins of 5th Mid-Year African Union (AU) Coordination Meeting, the President ...
Janet Yellen Calls for Accelerating Debt Relief for Poor Nations
Debt distress will be a central topic of discussion as U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other G20 finance ministers gather in India this week.
Brazil considers appeal to World Trade Organization against EU regulation on deforestation-free products
Brazil is contemplating an appeal to the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the European Union (EU) Regulation for Deforestation-Free Products, expected to take effect in December 2024. The regulation has faced criticism from various Brazilian governmental sectors due to its expected impact on 34% of Brazilian exports to the EU. ...
Piden a la Cumbre UE-Celac crear grupo que ayude al retorno de la democracia en Nicaragua
Al menos 160 opositores nicaragüenses, que se identifican como víctimas del Gobierno que preside Daniel Ortega, y 29 organismos de derechos humanos, pidieron a la Cumbre UE-CELAC que den prioridad a la situación de Nicaragua.
AFRIQUE-SOCIETE-HYDRAULIQUE / L’hydrodiplomatie recours pour une gestion durable des eaux transfrontalières (experts)
Dakar, 15 juil (APS) – Des ingénieurs, chercheurs et spécialistes de la question de l’eau ont invité, samedi, à Dakar, les États africains à recourir à »l’hydrodiplomatie » pour promouvoir une gestion durable et apaisée des eaux transfrontalières en Afrique. Intervenant dans le cadre d’une table ronde virtuelle organisée par le ...
SENEGAL-ECONOMIE-STRATEGIE / Vers la certification certification des huîtres de la Casamance
Ziguinchor, 15 juil (APS) – Le projet MIPRO, Marché inclusif des petits producteurs (trices) des zones de mangroves en Casamance et dans le Sine-Saloum, a signé samedi une convention de partenariat avec l’université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor (UASZ) et d’autres « acteurs de facilitation », en vue d’arriver à certifier et développer ...
America’s Foreign Vacations Tell Us Something About the U.S. Economy
Prices are high, but Americans are opening their wallets for international flights and hotels. It’s the latest evidence of consumer resilience.
European Parliament is waking up to the fact that Latin America relations better be top priority
(Opinion) Multiple Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are advocating for an emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean in EU's foreign policy, following a period where the region did not appear as a top priority. A summit between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States ...