Brasile Cina USA
Trade between China and Brazil has a history of surplus but trade with other Asian countries grow much more
The trade balance between the two countries has a history of surplus, especially in the last 7 years. The record was set in 2021 when Brazilian exports exceeded imports from China by US$ 43.4 billion - considering inflation-adjusted values. That year, sales to the Asian giant reached US$94.9 billion, the ...
Brasile El Salvador
El Salvador zeroes out taxes on technological innovations in new bill
On Thursday night (23), El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele announced via Twitter that he would present a bill to Congress next week that aims to zero taxes on activities related to technological innovations. The measure includes eliminating taxes on income, property, capital gains, and import tariffs on technological innovations, such ...
Cina USA
The Lure of the ‘Made in America’ Sales Pitch
Geopolitics forced an entrepreneur, Taylor Shupe, to bring jobs back from China. It’s helping sell his meme-inspired socks too.
Prepare to invest amid falling interest rates
The global economic and investment picture this month is strikingly different from last month. In our article last month "Global and Thai economy in a no-landing scenario", we warned about rising risks, even as others predicted a "no landing" situation, or an economy that can continue without slowing down or ...
Proponen extender por dos años investigación ONU sobre crímenes de lesa humanidad
El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas debatirá el próximo cuatro de abril un proyecto de resolución que propone renovar, por un periodo de dos años, el mandato del Grupo de Expertos en Derechos Humanos sobre Nicaragua (GHREN) que investigó los crímenes de lesa humanidad de Daniel Ortega y ...
Brasile Cina
Governo identifica problemas no rotativo do consignado do INSS
Perto de definir um novo teto de juros para o crédito consignado para aposentados e pensionistas, o governo identificou novos problemas, como o rotativo (taxas cobradas sobre o parcelamento de ...
Brasile Cina
Fazenda já respondeu a dúvidas de Lula sobre novo marco fiscal
A área técnica do Ministério da Fazenda já respondeu às dúvidas do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sobre as novas regras fiscais que substituirão o teto de gastos, disse ...
Brasile Cina Russia USA Francia
Dilma Rousseff é eleita presidente do Banco do Brics
A ex-presidente da República Dilma Rousseff foi eleita nesta sexta-feira (24) presidente do Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NDB na sigla em inglês), também conhecido como Banco do Brics. Ela substitui ...
Meer dan 100.000 morning-afterpillen terugbetaald in 2021
In 2021 werden 100.321 morning-afterpillen terugbetaald. Dat zegt federaal minister van Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) zaterdag in La Libre Belgique. Sinds april 2020 is deze pil gratis, ongeacht de leeftijd.
Support Grows to Have Russia Pay for Ukraine’s Rebuilding
Although U.S. officials have cautioned against seizing Russia’s reserves in foreign banks, others say it’s “crazy” not to after Moscow’s war of aggression.